Superintendent’s Report July 13, 2015
Mission Statement The mission of the Pender Public School District is to provide quality educational opportunities in a safe, positive learning environment that motivates and challenges all students to become productive and responsible citizens.
Workshops/Meetings Past Events June 15 – Pender/Emerson-Hubbard Collaboration Meeting June 24 – Staff BYOC Planning Meeting June 29 – Staff Technology Meeting Future Events July 16 – Summer class begins at USD (4 weeks) July – Out of the office July 29 – NRCSA Executive Committee Meeting August 3 – Leadership Data Training, ESU 1
Amend Bond Fund Due to our recent bond fund refinance, we will need to amend our bond fund at the August Board of Education meeting The original budget for the school year was $431,215 When the bond fund bonds were refinanced, an additional $1,550,500 was required to be spent NDE and the State Auditor require an amendment to the budget to reflect the additional expenditures New bond fund budget of expenditures will be $1,981,715 which is $431,215 plus $1,550,500 This amendment does not impact our property tax levy This transaction will save the district approximately $75,000
Sheila Nichols Memorial Plaque A memorial plaque for Sheila Nichols has been ordered and will arrive soon (BOE Policy 3203) It will be placed in the courtyard outside of door 4 Shortly after her death, her family donated $1,276 in her memory to the school The money was used to purchase square picnic tables that are used in the courtyard
APL and Associates The APL instructional strategies have been used by the district for many years Administration plans to further utilize the strategies to help create a common instructional language Along with an APL refresher for all certified staff, 5-day APL training for new teachers, and local training during preservice activities, administration would like to consider the purchase of the APL video series The charge for a 1-year subscription to the video series is $5,100 I am working with ESU 1 to see if we can purchase the video series as a consortium If we cannot purchase the video series as a consortium of schools, it still may be a recommendation to move forward with the $5,100 subscription
Budget Timeline Notice of district valuation is released on August 20 In the month of August, Finance Committee works with superintendent to determine budgeting philosophy and reviews budget documents Special board meeting during the last week of August for end of year expenditures and transfers Schedule budget hearings (Budgets of Expenditure and Tax Request) on September 14 prior to the start of the regular board meeting Submit budget documents to NDE and State Auditors Office by September 20
Technology Staff technology meeting – June 29 Current reality Technology vision Rough draft of a plan to get from point A to point B Elementary 1:1 ? Prior to committing to purchasing devices for all elementary students, it would be wise to purchase a cart of 25 iPads for use in elementary classrooms Teacher expectations Student expectations Most likely, a recommendation to purchase 25 iPads during the August meeting will occur
Van Purchase The purchase of a 5 th van will be executed this week Janke Auto was able to locate and secure an affordable vehicle late last week $26,850 2014 19,000 miles
Alumni Weekend The annual omelet feed and building tours were held on Saturday, June 27 was yet again successful Thank you to Michael Foods in Wakefield for the use of the cooking equipment and the donation of the eggs The $515 generated by the event will be used to help purchase uniforms for high school and junior high activities Thank you to board members, administrators, and other staff members who helped make the event successful!! I spoke at the Alumni Banquet on June 27