Abstract – This page not part of presentation. The One Maryland One Centerline (OMOC) Program is a collaborative effort between federal, state, and local entities. The tangible implementation of components that support OMOC at SHA has begun. These components involve the implementation of new software, data model, and internal business processes for centerline and road inventory data maintenance. These components will support various federal and nation-wide transportation programs such as HPMS, ARNOLD, MAP-21, and TFTN. Of course, this work at SHA is just one of initiatives of the OMOC Program. The methods and mechanisms with which transportation-related data is shared and validated between SHA and local jurisdictions is critical to providing a single authoritative data for public safety, asset management, and transportation planning decision making across the state. This presentation will provide an update on the progress of OMOC components at SHA, as well as some initial steps concerning upcoming outreach efforts to local jurisdictions to solicit their involvement and feedback in this effort. Bryan Kelley - Transcend Spatial Solutions Marshall Stevenson - Maryland State Highway Administration/WBCM
One Maryland One Centerline (OMOC) In Action Maryland’s Geospatial Conference Townson University - TUgis March 15, 2016
Discussion Topics Why? o OMOC Drivers: Supported / Mandated Initiatives What is it? o OMOC Overview o Centerlines, LRS, Esri Roads & Highways How will it work? o State, County, & City Data Sharing & Collaboration What’s Next? o Upcoming Next Steps
OMOC Drivers Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) reporting Federal Surface Transportation Funding Program, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) Transportation for the Nation (TFTN) is an initiative to include consistent, current, high quality road centerline data for the entire country All Roads Network Of Linear referenced Data (ARNOLD) is each state’s LRS of all public roads OMOC Program Purpose: As a result of the Federal Surface Transportation Funding Program, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act, states are required to include dual carriageways and all publicly maintained roads as part of their HPMS Submission. This new requirement is driving SHA to expand current business process and to coordinate more closely with Maryland’s local jurisdictions.
OMOC Overview Centerlines* Linear Referencing* Snap-to-Points Benefits to Public Safety Benefits to Asset Managers Esri Roads & Highways* The OMOC Program is a collaborative effort between federal, state, and local entities to create an authoritative, statewide roadway dataset that meets the needs of a diverse community.
OMOC - Centerlines A centerline is a geospatial linear representation of the center of a roadway Centerlines are the backbone of the existing roadway dataset, and will serve is a similar manner moving forward OMOC aims to create a sustainable, current, authoritative, and multi-use centerline dataset
OMOC – Linear Referencing System MD SHA's LRS is based on county, route, & milepoint Milepoints are measured in 1/1000ths of a mile along a route Routes begin and end at jurisdictional boundaries
OMOC – Esri Roads & Highways Esri Roads and Highways is software for maintaining road centerline geometry and road inventory & characteristics in a linear referencing environment. SDE Database ArcGIS for Desktop (ArcMap with Rds & Hwys Extension) ArcGIS for Server (RCE web-based application with Rds & Hwys Extension) Desktop (ArcMap) components to edit centerlines, establish calibration points, and build routes. Web (RCE) components to maintain road inventory & characteristics (i.e., ‘event’ data)
Esri Roads & MD SHA Implementing Rds & Hwys at MD SHA includes… Iterative approach New data model Data migration Data validation Training Documentation Updated tools Updated business processes Updated data flows Roadway Characteristic Editor (RCE) with MD SHA data
Data Sharing & Collaboration Centerline geometry Core road inventory data Data specs Route identifier Measure (To/From) Date Inventory data item Your ideas! Database Data Interface C Data Interface B Data Interface A MD SHA The number and type of interfaces is not determined at this time.
Upcoming Next Steps The Esri Roads & Highways implementation is underway. This will serve as the transactional data repository that will maintain core roadway information at MD SHA. Outreach effort to solicit / confirm requirements o This effort needs your input to be successful Compile options and build a plan for interfaces
Thank you! Questions? Bryan Kelley Transcend Spatial Solutions Marshall Stevenson Maryland State Highway Administration / WBCM Learn more about OMOC at… Or for more information, contact OMOC at...