Building Greatly: Construction & Properties Department (CAPD)Segment DCAM/Construction and Properties Department 405/ Mike Jones Acting State Construction Administrator Division of Capital Assets Management Construction and Properties Department
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department “The American, by nature, is optimistic. He is experimental, an inventor and a builder who builds best when called upon to build greatly.” -- John F. Kennedy
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Procuring Construction Services Statutes and Rules Duties of the Department (CAPD) Doing Business with CAPD
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Department of Capital Asset Management (DCAM)/Construction & Properties Department: Central Procurement Authority for State Agencies Procurement and Contracts governed by Title 61 and CAPD Rules Follows the same principles of Public Purchasing The Solicitation The Contract Award Contract Management The steps to get there are a little different, the price triggers are different, but the overall process is similar Title 61 is very complex – we will focus on procurement basics
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Construction and Properties Department Basics CAPD = Construction and Properties Department Parallels Central Purchasing Division SCA = State Construction Administrator Parallels State Purchasing Director Public Building Construction and Planning Act Parallels the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act Incorporates the Public Competitive Bidding Act Is a separate procurement authority Consultant or Contractor = Vendor Department = Construction and Properties Department Agency or Using Agency = CAPD’s Customer
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Common Procurement Actions through CAPD 1. Hire a Consultant to plan or design a construction project Architects, Engineers, others Several Methods to get this done Selection process defined by statutes and rules Statutory On-Call Consultant program for small projects Purchase from one of CAPD’s IDIQ Contracts (Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity), similar to a statewide contract
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Common Procurement Actions through CAPD: 2. Hire a construction company to build, renovate, modify or perform maintenance services related to a building, building equipment or property related to the building Again, there are several allowable purchasing solutions Select Contractor based on Low Bid: Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 Select a Construction Manager – Similar to Consultant Selection Process Purchase from a CAPD Line-Item (Statewide) Contract Select an integrated Design-Build firm for turnkey project delivery (RFQ/RFP Process)
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Title 61: Public Buildings and Public Works Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 Applies to all public agencies/political subdivisions Public Building Construction & Planning Act Applies to State Agencies, incorporates PCBA of 1974 State Consultants (Construction Managers and Consultants) Applies to State Agencies Fair Pay for Construction Act Applies to all public agencies & political subdivisions Oklahoma Administrative Code Title 580, Section 20: CAPD Rules
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 Title 61, Sections Public Construction Contract Applies to public improvements, including constructing a building, making repairs or performing maintenance Cost limits that trigger procurement requirements Contracts > $50,000: must be publicly advertised, sealed bids Contracts < $50,000: receipt of written bids (3 quotes) Contracts < $5,000: award to any suitable contractor Written contract, insurance, bonds (if > $50,000) and Notice to Proceed required before any work is performed Sole-Source Acquisitions – contact CAPD
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 Public Construction Contract Projects > $50,000 CAPD is awarding public agency Public, competitive bidding required CAPD advertises and accepts bids Award to Lowest responsible bidder Bonds required: Bid Bond Performance Bond Defect Bond Insurance required including Worker’s Compensation No work until written contract and Notice to Proceed issued by the Department
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 Projects > $50,000 Bid Notices Published in County where work is to occur At least 20 days before bid opening Notice sent to Trade or Construction Publications Bid documents available for inspection
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 Projects > $50,000 Bid Openings Sealed Bids - due by date and time specified Late bids not to be considered Open to the Public Bids read aloud
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 Projects > $50,000 Bid Award Award Contract within 30 days Agency may request 15 day extension Up to 90 day extension if Federal funds involved Up to 120 days permitted under special circumstances if low bidders agrees in writing Some provision to negotiate with low bidder If no bids are received, SCA may negotiate and award a contract < $50,000 If all bids exceed available funding – must meet specific criteria and requires approval of DCAM Director
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 Projects < $50,000 Agency may solicit 3 bids by mail, fax, If unable to obtain a bid, a letterhead “no bid” will suffice Provide clear bid request for ‘apples to apples” comparison Obtain statutory affidavit and insurance certificates Submit written bids with Requisition to CAPD for Contract Award CAPD Form M800: Standard Procedures for Obtaining Bids – Projects Under the Statutory Amount
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 Projects < $5,000 Allowable for minor repair and maintenance Award to any suitable vendor; bidding not required State Agencies may award directly (not required to send to CAPD for award). Insurance and written contract required Payment by P-Card is acceptable CAPD Form M601: Contract for Minor Construction Agency awards, can pay with PO or P-Card
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 Change Order Limits – Apply to all Projects Contracts < $1,000,000 limited to 15% increase over original contract Contracts > $1,000,000 limited to $150,000 or 10% increase over original contract, which ever is greater. Law is silent on deduct change orders
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 Title 61, Section 130, Emergencies Suspends requirement for bidding; remainder of Act – contracts, insurance, bonds - apply Sudden unforeseen occurrence, threat to health or safety of employees or public Governing Board/Chief Administrative Officer must declare Report to State Construction Administrator within 10 days of declaration No dollar limit if Board declares, or head of agency without a board
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 Title 61, Section 130, Emergencies A Chief Administrative Officer may declare up to $35,000 if authorized by Board to do so For State Agencies: CAPD awards emergency contracts Call CAPD to apprise of emergency situation, follow with declaration Send requisition for contract award to CAPD State Construction Administrator submits annual report on Emergency Declarations to Governor & Legislature
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Public Building Construction and Planning Act Title 61, Section 202 Creates the Construction and Properties Department Establishes the State Construction Administrator Establishes the Duties of the Department Provides for Administrative Rules Applies to State Agencies Some unintended overlap for school districts/political subdivisions
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department State Consultants: Construction Managers and Consultants Title 61, Sections Consultants Architects Landscape Architects Engineers Land Surveyors Construction Managers Environmental Consultants Other Design Consultants
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department State Consultants Title 61, Section 62 Defines Selection Process Qualification Based Selection - Fees to be negotiated Fees may not be discussed or considered during selection Consultants register with CAPD annually Agencies request list, solicit, screen and interview CAPD assigns representative to assist Agency CAPD Awards all Consultant Contracts Also Establishes the On-Call Consultant Program for minor projects
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Consultants – Legal Requirements for Architects and Engineers Pursuant to Title 59 Board of Governors of Licensed Architects Architect required if Project is > $158,000 Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors Requirements are complex, consult with CAPD CAPD may require a Consultant for other complex projects Someone has to plan, design and prepare bid documents Generally not necessary for maintenance, repairs, small improvement projects
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Construction Managers Assist with pre-construction planning Assist with value engineering, cost control Constructs the project ‘At-Risk’ Beneficial on large or complex projects Approval required by DCAM Other Consultants Environmental Services Food Service Consultants Any recognized profession necessary to plan or design construction, renovation or maintenance work
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Fair Pay for Construction Act Title 61, Section 221 Applies to a Public Construction Project >$25K Contractor must be paid within thirty days Contractor due interest of 1 1/2% per month if not paid on time Clock starts when proper invoice is submitted by Contractor Clock stops if invoice is rejected or returned for corrections
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Fair Pay for Construction Act Process to Pay a Contractor Contractor sends pay-application to Consultant for approval or (directly to agency if no consultant) Consultant forwards to CAPD for approval CAPD approves and sends to Agency Agency approves and sends to OMES OMES approves and sends to State Treasurer Treasurer cuts paper check and sends to Agency Agency mails check to Contractor We’ve got Thirty Days!
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Oklahoma Administrative Code OAC 580:20 - CAP Rules Procedures and requirements more fully stated Procedures for advertising, bidding Selecting consultants, construction managers Vendor registration – consultants and CM firms
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Central Procurement for Construction Services CAPD Procures Design and Construction services for State Agencies Reviews and approves construction plans Inspects work prior to final acceptance and payment Assist agencies with selection and award of consultant contracts Issues bid solicitations for public construction projects > $50K Awards Public Construction Contracts (other than < $5,000) Monitors work of Consultants Monitors construction projects Assists State Agencies with their construction needs
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department Responsibilities of the Administrator (SCA) Designate forms and contracts required for Consultant and Construction Contracts Approve and sign all contracts on behalf of the State Approve and sign all change orders Review and approve Consultant selection processes Review and approve construction plans Report emergencies declared by public agencies Chief Officer of Construction and Properties Department
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department
Communicating with CAPD Telephone talk to a human being Web Site (still DCS as of March 2013) - click on Construction & Properties link Announcements Contact Information Program Information Forms FAQ’s Library – Policies, Presentations, Memos Title 61 and CAPD Rules available here
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department
The Procurement Process - Requisitions and Purchase Orders CAPD Form M701 Requisition with Instructions and Funding Line Agency Purchase Order to CAPD for Statutory Fee Plans / Specifications Bid Form (draft) CAPD Reviews, Bids or Awards CAPD Prepares Contracts and signs on behalf of State CAPD cuts Purchase Order from Agency’s Requisition
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department The Requisition (PeopleSoft) Item Code – Consultant or Construction Funding Line Comments Section PeopleSoft Term Codes – are referenced on CAP M701 in the fee schedule Terms and Conditions are in CAPD’s Paper Contract; do not add contract clauses to Requisition Do not reference Central Purchasing Act requirements Include Agency Contact information and other requirements as needed
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department DCS/Construction and Properties Division
DCAM/Construction and Properties Department
Purchase Order for CAPD Fee Payable to Department of Capital Asset Management, Construction and Properties Department Comments Section PeopleSoft Code for all CAPD Fees is TRM0277 Payable by PO, blanket PO or PCard
Building Greatly: Construction & Properties Segment DCAM/Construction and Properties Department 405/ Mike Jones Acting State Construction Administrator Division of Capital Asset Management Construction and Properties Department