Japan Meteorological Agency, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Status of Himawari-8/9 data distribution/dissemination Presented to CGMS-42 Plenary session, agenda item E.2 Japan Meteorological Agency
Japan Meteorological Agency, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS (a)Cloud Service: NMHSs (1 agency / 1 nation) (b)Archive Server: universities and research agencies (c)HimawariCast: NMHSs with a limited Internet access Himawari-8/9 raw data JMA CS Operator Communication Satellite (CS) C-band (4 GHz) DVB-S2 HRIT files, SATAID files Cloud Service New equipment needs to be installed. All imagery (full resolution data) C-band antenna LNB DVB-S2 receiver PC & software Users (NMHSs: National Meteorological and Hydrological Services) Main Users Internet / NRENs Archive Server Operated by Japanese Science Group (a) (b) (c) HimawariCast service
Japan Meteorological Agency, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS MTSAT-1R Meteorological Mission MTSAT-2 Meteorological Mission Himawari-8 Himawari-9 via MTSAT (direct) via a cloud service via HimawariCast In-orbit standby Manufacturing Launch Operational In-orbit standby Launch Operational TestOperational (Himawari-8 imagery) Operational (MTSAT-2 imagery)(Himawari-8 imagery) Operational (MTSAT-2 imagery) Imagery Distribution/Dissemination Operation of Satellites Operational (MTSAT-2 imagery) Parallel Dissemination for users’ smooth transitions
Japan Meteorological Agency, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Internet Cloud Service FormatObservation AreaNotes Himawari Standard Data (HSD) Full disk Target area -Full disk: every 10 minutes, 182 GB / day -Target area: every 2.5 minutes, 6 GB / day -16 bands -Finest-spatial-resolution data PNGFull disk Target area -True-color images (composites of 3 visible bands) -Full disk: every 10 minutes, 21 GB / day -Target area: every 2.5 minutes, 1 GB / day -Same spatial resolution as HSD NetCDFTarget area-Every 2.5 minutes, 22 GB / day -16 bands -Same spatial resolution as HSD The tentative data set NMHS can get data using HTTP 1.1 client such as Web browser or Wget. NMHS can select data necessary for its operation. (HSD is created separately for each band, and divided into 10 segments.) Features Basically one download per one nation. Account registration is required. High speed Internet access (25 Mbps) is required to download all HSD. 16 bands x 10 segments = 160 files / 10 minutes Notes
Japan Meteorological Agency, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS HimawariCast Service Data typeFormatNotes Himawari-8/9 imagery (Full Disk) HRIT files LRIT files -Compatible with current MTSAT HRIT and LRIT services -Every 10 minutes, 41 GB / day -HRIT: 5 bands; LRIT: 3 bands -Coarser spatial resolution than HSD NWP Products (GPV)SATAID format-JMA Global Model (GSM) products -Every 6 hours, 40 MB / day In-situ Observations (surface, ship, upper) SATAID format-Observation data collected from the East Asia and Western Pacific regions -5 MB / day ASCAT Ocean Surface Wind (EUMETSAT) SATAID format-Originally provided by the EUMETSAT OSI SAF and converted into SATAID format by JMA -5 MB / day With SATAID application, you can overlay GPV, SYNOP, etc. on satellite imagery. (SATAID is widely used by NMHSs in the East Asia and Western Pacific regions.) JMA will prepare a set of software which converts HRIT files into SATAID format. Features Receiving and processing system is required. The tentative data set Notes
Japan Meteorological Agency, May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS JMA will announce the details of HimawariCast and receiving equipment including a diameter of dish antenna in due course. JMA would like to coordinate with users (NMHSs) when and how to do a delivery test from the cloud. Yasushi IZUMIKAWA (Mr.) Satellite Program Division, Japan Meteorological Agency JMA’s contact point