Research, Planning, and Performance - DHE Maintain over 19 million student records in SURDS database Files - Admissions, Enrollment, Remedial Education, Financial aid, Degree completion, and Educator. Research Agenda IPEDS Collection and Reporting FASFA Reporting I3 Website Legislative Reports Complete College America Data
DHE Research Agenda Price Sensitivity - APA Educator Preparation – UC Denver, UC Boulder, UNC Retention and Transfer – NCHEMS Admissions Index – Mesa Admissions CSAP, Index – R Squared, LLC./APA Remedial Education -APA Workforce Project – Horvath, Independent Contractor GED Study DPS Pilot Remediation Study
Concurrent Enrollment Report 12 Colleges and 243 Local Education Providers 20,000 students participated in at least 1 of 5 programs HB – Concurrent Enrollment – 0ver 9,000 More females than males and mostly White students Average credit hours range 3.4 – 9.9 Concurrent enrollment – 7,000 student increase since
Postsecondary Progress and Success Report 66.8% of high school graduating class enrolled in college 45% public in state, 22% non-public or out of state More females, Asian and White students highest enrollment 28.6% enrolled public in state receive Pell grant African American students lowest credits and GPA, Asian students highest Average credit hours earned in first year 26.6 – ethnic differences
2010 Remedial Report Nationally Four year institutions = 30% Two year institutions = 44% Colorado Four year institutions = 18% Two year institutions = 52% Overall = 28.6%
Remediation Rates
Two-Year Institutions Four-Year Institutions Remediation by Discipline Source: DHE, 2010 Report on Remedial Education; Feb 2011;
FY2010 Remediation Rates, Gender Source: DHE, 2010 Report on Remedial Education; Feb 2011; First-Time Students Assigned to Remediation in at least one subject
FY2010 Remediation Rates, Ethnicity Source: DHE, 2010 Report on Remedial Education; Feb 2011;
Retention Rates (for Remedial Students) Table 8: First-Time Recent High School Graduates Assigned to Remediation, Not Assigned to Remediation, Retained One Year by Sector and Institution, Fall 2008 to Fall 2009 Institutions/ Sector *Number of 1st Time Students Retained Next Year Not Assigned to Remediation Not Assigned to Remediation and retained next year Assigned to Remediation in at least one subject Assigned to Remediation in at least one subject and retained next year Recent Colorado High School Graduates Two-Year Public##%#%#%#%#% Community Colleges 6,646 3, % 2, % 1, % 4, % 2, % Local District Colleges % % % % % Two-Year Total 7,223 3, % 2, % 1, % 4, % 2, % Four-Year Public 20,726 15, % 16, % 12, % 3, % 2, % Grand Total 27,949 19, % 19, % 14, % 8, % 4, % Source: DHE, 2010 Report on Remedial Education; Feb 2011;
Graduation Rates (2-Year, Remedial Students) Table 10: Graduation Rates by Remedial and Non-Remedial Students, from Two-Year Public Institutions (2006 Cohort) Institution Name Fall 2006 Enterin g Class Graduated at Original Institution Graduated at Transfer Institution Graduated at Either Ass. Deg. &Cert. Ass. Deg. &Cert. #Rate Cert. (2+ years) (<2 years)Rate Cert. (2+ years)(<2 years)Rate Community College Total 6, % % 1, % REMEDIAL 3, % % % Local District Colleges Total % % % REMEDIAL % % % Grand Total 6,936 1, % % 1, % REMEDIAL TOTAL 3, % % % SOURCE: SURDS Enrollment, Fall 2006; Degrees Awarded FY and Summer 09 For 2-year institutions, "Graduated at Transfer Institution" includes only 2-year to 2-year transfers, therefore the Community College mission of transfer-to- 4YR-schools is not assessed here. At 2-year institutions, counts are degrees, i.e. a single student that received a certificate as well as an Associates is counted twice. The Graduation Rate of transfers only includes degrees attained by transfers at Colorado institutions reporting to SURDS. Transfers to private schools that don't report to SURDS or out of state are not included. For two-year transfers, the rate only includes those that attained an associate degree or certificate after transfer, at Colorado institutions reporting to SURDS. Source: DHE, 2010 Report on Remedial Education; Feb 2011;
Graduation Rates (4-Year, Remedial Students) Table 9: Graduation Rates by Remedial and Non-Remedial Students, from Four-Year Public Institutions (Fall 2003 Cohort) Fall 2003 Entering Class Grad. within 4 Years5 Years6 Years at Orig or Transfer Inst #Rate# # Totals 18,675 5, % 9, % 10, % REMEDIAL TOTALS 2, % % % SOURCE: SURDS Enrollment, Fall 2003; Degrees Awarded FY and Summer 09 The Graduation Rate of transfers only includes degrees attained by transfers to Colorado institutions reporting to SURDS. Transfers to private schools not reporting to SURDS or out-of-state transfers are not counted. At 4-year institutions, "Graduated at Transfer Institution" includes only 4-year to 4-year transfers At 4-year institutions, counts are students receiving a degree(s) i.e. double majors are only counted once. Source: DHE, 2010 Report on Remedial Education; Feb 2011;
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