N ORTH A MERICAN G RASSLANDS Biome Research By Jera Davis grmsbiomes.pbworks.com/w/page/ /Abiotic%20Factors% 20-%20Grassland
N AME OF B IOME G EOGRAPHY & C LIMATE Location: American Prairie Grassland Description: land dominated by climax communities grass and a few trees Soil type: fertile and rich Precipitation:10-30 inches per-year Climate: hot summers, cold and snowy winters; various changes in seasons
N AME OF B IOME B IODIVERSITY Plant species: tall grass, mixed grass, short grass, corn, wheat, flowering plants. Animal species: pronghorn, antelope, mule, deer, elk, black bears, foxes, badgers, black-footed ferrets, rabbits, burrowing owl, eagles, hawks, grouse, ducks, birds, small insects, and snakes. This is a North American prairie fox.
N AME OF B IOME A DAPTATIONS N EEDED FOR S URVIVAL Plant adaptations: grass- wildfires periodically destroys dry grass and encourages new growth. Deep roots to hold grass is the soil. Animal adaptations-burrowing helps animals to survive.
N AME OF B IOME I NTERACTIONS OF B IOTIC AND A BIOTIC Biotic- burrowing animals, grass, birds. Abiotic -dirt, water, and air.
W HAT IS B IODIVERSITY ? o Biodiversity-a variety of life. It can be studied on many different levels. At the highest level, you can look at all the different species o the entire earth. On a much smaller scale you can study biodiversity within a pond or a neighbrohood park.
H OW DOES BIODIVERSITY CONTRIBUTE TO THE SUSTAINABILITY OF AN ECOSYSTEM ? Biodiversity allows us to live a happy and healthy lifestyle. Its provides us with an array of foods and materials and it contributes to the economy.