LBNO Near detector task force LAGUNA-LBNO FP7 WP 4.7 Plenary meeting Hamburg 26-02-2013.


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Presentation transcript:

LBNO Near detector task force LAGUNA-LBNO FP7 WP 4.7 Plenary meeting Hamburg

Near detector design -- status Had two ‘plenary phone meetings (5/12/2012 and 12/02/2013) since last LBNO general + software and design meeting regularly See Indico

What is the near detector supposed to do? 0. assure global normalization of the experiment from event numbers in ND predict unoscillated event numbers in FD. 1.Measure cross-sections for signals   , (CC and NC) e and  e normalization channels as function of neutrino energy. 2. Magnetic detector necessary especially for anti-neutrino exposure 3. Energy resolution should be as good as in far detector  good containment of evts: 50/70tons of scintillator/Larg 4. Also need hadro production experiment, description of NA61/SHINE acceptance for that beam is given in EOI

Global set up and some numbers Underground (100m), located at 500m from target 850 Event rates are very large. At 500m location estimate ~0.6 events per pulse per ton for 750kW, 2 pulses every 6s. This needs to be verified with proper flux files 1kton magnetized iron (MINOS ND)  200 events per pulse of 10  s 1 evt / 50ns. pile-up Even with 100ton scintillator this is not trivial and probably precludes liquid Argon. Liquid Argon also ruled out because of neeed to measure sign of 5 GeV electrons. 0.2

Philippe Velten, Marco Calviani EN/STI/EET

 =5000 Choice of pessure vessel around the scintillator based calorimeter motivated by 1.Integration without large amount of material between TPC and calorimeter 2.TPC inside its own vessel but now low pressure differential (easier, thin) 3.Magnetic field required is not very high 4. Difficulty and cost likely to be in the large 5 m diam. flange

Next steps: -- investigate pressure vessel -- and magnet design, fix B, -- need good homogeneity  coil geometry likely to be similar to that of UA1/NOMAD magnet! Giudici

Assume 0.4 T


Connector design Simulation of TASD in magnetic field

Systematic tests of SiPMTs, glues, WLS, connectors, electronics

Next steps -- complete paper design of detector -- use simulation to derive energy resolution for neutrino events -- already at fundamental level -- compare with pure L.Arg ? -- state desired magnetic field -- begin engineering aspects (pressure vessel, coil) -- detector R&D program ongoing -- for plastic scintillator based detectors -- almost certain that this will be instrumental for high rate near detector -- effort for pressure TPC needs to take off

Near Detector Facility: EHN1 extension 3 detectors with space for a 4th CENF – 25 February

There is an opportunity for us, what role do we want in this? Will discuss further tomorrow, input welcome