What is a cell? What pictures comes to your mind?
The Cell Theory 1. Every living organism is made of one or more cells. 2. The cell is the basic unit of structure and function. 3. All cells arise from pre- existing cells.
Animal cell Plant cell
Animal cell
Plant cell
Similarities between animal and plant cell : - both have nucleus -both have membrane bound organelles - both have cytoplasm Differences between animal and plant cell : - shape - vacuole (size) - size -Plant cell has a rigid cell wall in addition to cell membrane and it has chloroplast.
-Bacteria are prokaryotes, lacking well- defined nuclei and membrane-bound organelles. -Have many shapes and sizes, from minute spheres, cylinders and spiral threads to flagellated rods and filamentous chains. -Found practically everywhere on Earth and live in some of the most unusual and seemingly inhospitable places. Prokaryotic Cell
Eukaryotic Cell - An animal cell has several membrane-bound organelles. - The genetic material DNA resides mainly in the nucleus, which is surrounded by a double membrane with numerous openings called nuclear pores. - Have structures such as centrioles, lysosomes, and cilia and flagella that are not typically found in plant cells.centrioles lysosomescilia and flagella
Eukaryotic Cell - Plant cells are also eukaryotic cell. - They have membrane bound organelles. - Larger than animal cells and are typically rectangular or cube shaped. - Have cell wall, large vacuole and plastids, such as chloroplast.-