What do each of these men have in common?
World Leaders Responsible for Genocide
King Leopold II Leader of Belgium from Responsible for the deaths of 15 million people in the Congo.
Adolf Hitler Leader of Germany from 1933 – Responsible for the death of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust. Indirectly responsible for the deaths of 60 million who died in World War II.
Never Again After viewing the Jewish Holocaust the United Nations vowed In 1948 “never again” would they allow genocide to occur. Keep a count of all who have died in organized genocide since 1948.
Joseph Stalin President of USSR from Responsible for the death of 20 million million were starved to death. Another 10 million were sent out of the country.
A quote from Joseph Stalin One man’s death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic.
Mao Zedong Leader of China from Responsible for the deaths of 20 million people. Most died from starvation.
Pol Pot Leader of Cambodia from 1976 – Responsible for 1-3 million deaths.
Kim Il Sung Leader of North Korea from Starved up to 1 million people
Slobodan Milosevic President of Yugoslavia from Responsible for 230,000 deaths. Responsible for the displacement of 3 million people.
Saddam Hussein Leader of Iraq from Estimates say he is responsible for the deaths of 2 million people.
More Responsible for Genocide
Many more exist
Homework Write the following quote and explain its meaning. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.