REFERENDUM AMOUNT & TIMELINE The current referendum for the Bruce School District runs through the school year The new referendum will start with the school year
$400,000 for 5 years An increase of $50,000 per year REFERENDUM AMOUNT & TIMELINE
AFFECT ON TAXES for every $1,000 of value Increased taxes: $50,000 home = $7.85 yearly $75,000 home = $11.77 yearly $100,000 home = $15.69 yearly
MILL RATE HISTORY FOR RUSK COUNTY Year Bruce Chetek- Wey.FlambeauLadysmith
REVENUE LIMIT HISTORY FOR RUSK COUNTY (Per pupil spending) Bruce 9,408 C-Wey. 9,340 Flambeau 10,283 Ladysmith 10, ,2709,26510,20810, ,1929,17710,11710, ,0889,12710,08310, ,5729,65810,51610,675
NEED FOR REFERENDUM DOLLARS Continue yearly maintenance projects Transportation needs – purchase bus yearly & cameras in buses Technology upgrades – infrastructure, wireless access schoolwide, and computer purchases Projects to ensure the safety of our students Maintain curriculum needs
CURRENT REFERENDUM USES Roof Repair Window & Door Replacement HVAC system upgrades Tuck Pointing Updated Fire Alarm System
CURRENT REFERENDUM USES Purchase a new bus annually & 2 vans Technology upgrades continue – wireless access increased & purchase of new computers, 1-to-1 computers at the high school, Computer Carts for Elementary and Middle School
CURRENT REFERENDUM USES Distance Learning Upgrades, PolyCom purchase Maintain curriculum offerings
BRUCE SCHOOL SAVINGS SINCE 2011 REFERENDUM PASSED Food Service - Program changes and increased student participation for breakfast and lunch - $100,000 per year Health Insurance – Plan changes, employee pays 12% of premiums, original member of Northwest Insurance Co- op - $100,000 per year Cash in Lieu of Insurance – 12 participants currently - $96,000 per year
BRUCE SCHOOL SAVINGS SINCE 2011 REFERENDUM PASSED Short-Term Borrowing – Established line of credit borrowing, have not had to do short term borrowing in 2 years - $35,000 per year Refinanced Unfunded Liability – save $15,000 per year Wisconsin Retirement – Employees pay 50% of retirement contributions - $180,000 per year Tech Ed/Ag. Program – Went from 3 positions to 2 positions - $70,000 per year
STATE REPORT CARDS Bruce Elementary School – Exceeds Expectations Bruce Middle School – Exceeds Expectations Bruce High School – Exceeds Expectations
OTHER STATEWIDE RECOGNITION Bruce Middle School – Wisconsin Spotlight School Bruce Elementary School – Wisconsin School of Recognition Bruce Middle School – Wisconsin School of Recognition Bruce High School – US News & World Report Best High Schools