Computer Science at Cornell The Environment for PhD Students Charlie Van Loan Professor & Chair
The Lay of the Land As a PhD student, your well-being will depend on two things: 1. What life is like in the Department. 2. What life is like at Cornell.
AI & Machine Learning Scientific Computing Computer Vision & Graphics Systems & Networks Theory & Algorithms Programming Languages Databases & Information Science Comp Biology Faculty Research Areas
The Cornell Environment The campus is alive with opportunities for graduate students and their research.
Electrical and Computer Engineering Computational Science and Engineering Operations Research and Industrial Engineering Computational Biology Science and Technology Studies Cognitive Studies (Psych, Linguistics, NeuroBio) Information Science Mathematics Nearby Graduate Fields
IAI IISI NSDL CTC LoL Sources for thesis topics. Vehicles for multiplying impact. Nearby Institutes & Centers
Information Assurance Institute
Intelligent Information Systems Institute Research in compute intensive and data intensive methods for intelligent decision making systems.
A center of innovation in digital libraries. A community center for groups focused on digital-library-enabled science education. Funded by the National Science Foundation. The National Science Digital Library
The Library of Life
The Cornell Theory Center e Parallel Computing on very large clusters Data-Centric Applications from the physical and biological sciences Advanced Visualization
Faculty of Computing and Information Science Information Science Computer Science Computational Science & Eng Computational Biology Medical Imaging CIS Information Technology Management Digital Arts & Graphics
AI & Machine Learning Scientific Computing Computer Vision & Graphics Systems & Networks Theory & Algorithms Programming Languages Databases & Information Science Comp Biology Faculty Research Areas
Cardie Caruana Gomes Halpern Joachims Lee Selman Van Loan Vavasis Bala Greenberg Huttenlocher Marschner Zabih Birman Francis Myers Schneider Sirer Hopcroft Kleinberg Kozen Shmoys Tardos Constable Myers Pingali Rugina Teitelbaum Arms Gehrke Jai Elber Keich The Faculty
AI & Machine Learning Scientific Computing Computer Vision & Graphics Systems & Networks Theory & Algorithms Programming Languages Databases & Information Science Comp Biology Network Science/ Eigenvalue Problems (Google)
AI & Machine Learning Scientific Computing Computer Vision & Graphics Systems & Networks Theory & Algorithms Programming Languages Databases & Information Science Comp Biology Optimizing Compilers/ Scientific Codes
AI & Machine Learning Scientific Computing Computer Vision & Graphics Systems & Networks Theory & Algorithms Programming Languages Databases & Information Science Comp Biology Language-Based Security
AI & Machine Learning Scientific Computing Computer Vision & Graphics Systems & Networks Theory & Algorithms Programming Languages Databases & Information Science Comp Biology On-line Databases
AI & Machine Learning Scientific Computing Computer Vision & Graphics Systems & Networks Theory & Algorithms Programming Languages Databases & Information Science Comp Biology Classification and Search in Genomics
AI & Machine Learning Scientific Computing Computer Vision & Graphics Systems & Networks Theory & Algorithms Programming Languages Databases & Information Science Comp Biology Making Sense of a Terabyte Database
AI & Machine Learning Scientific Computing Computer Vision & Graphics Systems & Networks Theory & Algorithms Programming Languages Databases & Information Science Comp Biology Looking for Anomalies in an MRI Scan
AI & Machine Learning Scientific Computing Computer Vision & Graphics Systems & Networks Theory & Algorithms Programming Languages Databases & Information Science Comp Biology Figuring Out How Proteins Fold
AI & Machine Learning Scientific Computing Computer Vision & Graphics Systems & Networks Theory & Algorithms Programming Languages Databases & Information Science Comp Biology Semantics
AI & Machine Learning Scientific Computing Computer Vision & Graphics Systems & Networks Theory & Algorithms Programming Languages Databases & Information Science Comp Biology Reflectance Models from Petabyte Data
Cardie Caruana Gomes Halpern Joachims Lee Selman Van Loan Vavasis Bala Greenberg Huttenlocher Marschner Zabih Birman Francis Myers Schneider Sirer Hopcroft Kleinberg Kozen Shmoys Tardos Constable Myers Pingali Rugina Teitelbaum Arms Gehrke Jai Elber Keich The Well-Connected Faculty
Cardie Caruana Gomes Halpern Joachims Lee Selman Van Loan Vavasis Bala Greenberg Huttenlocher Marschner Zabih Birman Francis Myers Schneider Sirer Hopcroft Kleinberg Kozen Shmoys Tardos Constable Myers Pingali Rugina Teitelbaum Arms Gehrke Jai Elber Keich
The Faculty Turing Awards Hartmanis Hopcroft National Academy of Engineering Hartmanis Hopcroft Greenberg American Academy of Arts and Sciences Hartmanis Hopcroft Tardos
The Faculty ACM Fellows Birman, Constable, Gries, Halpern, Hartmanis, Hopcroft, Kozen, Schneider, Tardos AAAS Fellows Greenberg, Hartmanis, Hopcroft, Schneider, Halpern, Selman AAAI Fellows Halpern, Selman
The Faculty Gödel Prize Halpern Fulkerson Prize Tardos Williamson Packard Tardos Kleinberg Sloan Lee, Kleinberg, Selman, Gehrke, Myers, Marschner
Academy Award (for technical achievement) Steve Marschner The Faculty
Highly-Cited CS Texts: 3 in top Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness Garey & Johnson Matrix Computations Golub & Van Loan 4980 Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools Aho, Sethi, & Ullman 4539 Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation Hopcroft & Ullman 3866 Computer architecture (2nd ed.): a quantitative approach Hennessy and Paterson 3684 The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms Aho, Hopcroft, & Ullman * Citations counts from Google Scholar
So Take Into Consideration… The Department Faculty, students, research, connectivity, etc. The Campus Nearby research, related programs, etc.
So Take Into Consideration… The Department Faculty, students, research, connectivity, etc. The Campus Nearby research, related programs, etc.
So Take Into Consideration… The Department Faculty, students, research, connectivity, etc. The Campus Nearby research, related programs, etc.