1 Compare Autotrophs and Heterotrophs
2 Autotrophs make their own food but heterotrophs cannot. Plants are autotrophs while animals are heterotrophs
3 How is energy given off by ATP?
4 Each time a phosphate group is removed and the bond is broken from ATP…energy is released to power the cell
5 Photosynthesis uses sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into ______.
6 oxygen and high-energy sugars and starches
7 Write the equation for photosynthesis?
9 What are pigments?
10 light-absorbing molecules called
11 How do plants acquire energy for staring photosynthesis?
12 From sunlight
13 What factors affect the rate of photosynthesis?
14 Water light intensity temperature
15 Can photosynthesis occur at any temperature?
16 No there is an optimal (best ) temperature range. Extremely high or low temperatures inhibit photosynthesis
17 Which process starts cellular respiration by splitting glucose?
18 Glycolysis
19 Where does glucose get broken down into energy?
20 mitochondria
21 What process breaks down glucose into ATP?
22 Cellular respiration
23 How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration related to energy flow?
24 the reactants of photosynthesis are the products of cellular respiration they allow animals and plants to support one another
25 Sunlight is used to manufacture sugars during______.
26 photosynthesis
27 Cellular respiration releases _____
28 Carbon dioxide
29 Photosynthesis releases ____
30 oxygen