Agenda Leads work – Track Status Admin / Upcoming / Next Steps – RFP Document review – Vendor Question Review – GL Preparation – Orals – Harris Trip / Budapest / Spain – YSI Changes After RFP / Before GL – Big areas of focus
Timeline Today
Team Leads Responsibilities Pick your working team to help you resolve your questions (should be between 4-8 participants in each team depending on topic). I recommend a cross functional team. – Consolidated request of resources and funnel through Mark) Assess the open scope questions assigned to you (final version to be sent out tomorrow – drafts are in the YSI folders). – Determine if they have been appropriately assigned to you. If not, send the question back to Michael Pusateri and myself with the suggestion of the person who should own the question. – Consolidate any questions (preserve cross reference ID) Scan any “during” questions assigned to you and validate that we can safely defer their consideration until after we kick-off the project. Move any to “before” if necessary. Prioritize the open questions in term of: – “Before” Issues that can impact the RFP selection (first) in order of priority / impact – “Before” Issues to be resolved for GL in order if priority / impact – Analysis - Determine the approach for resolution required to scope the project for vendor selection and for Greenlighting. (defer any portion of the open question to the project if it is not necessary to resolve the project scope ) Schedule your work sessions Identify your “shared” questions and reach out that team lead and agree what will be done by each group Determine the timeline needed to resolve your high important issues Work the questions as determined by your approach. (Suggest involving others outside of your core team to gather data points) Save your team’s work in the YSI folders under > /Scope Resolution / [Your folder] Report back in our weekly coordination meetings Drive the questions to resolution Responsibilities Procedure Check-in Focus Responsibilities Procedure Check-in Focus
Team Updates VOD/Non-Linear Spencer Stephens - Christopher Taylor Content Identifiers & Relationships & Inventory Management & Metadata (Kelly Harkness) Program Acquisition and Rights Management (Iverson/Caz) Integration - Vision/BMS, Business Systems changes, Finance (Allsop) System Architecture (Ryan Kido) Infrastructure Requirements (Glen Marzan) Technical Specifications & Client Profiles (Adam Moore) MAM Requirements: Overall and Distributed Ingest, 3rd Party Integration (Adam Moore) Workflows & Prioritization of Tasks (Andy Bolding) Security (Adam/Jaspal) Reporting (Chris) Operations - Support & Maintenance (Gleeson) Implementation Approach & Scope Management (Bob) Progress Issues Next Steps Progress Issues Next Steps
Focus on RFP Question Spain and Budapest Give Vendors a Heads-up on Non-Linear Next Tuesday
Scope Team Charters Scope TeamCharterBefore RFPBefore GL VOD/Non- Linear Issues concerning the process of preparing content for use by non- linear business partners Integration –Issues involving how various software systems interact with each other Determine scope of VOD/OTT requirements and hand off to other teams Determine Options for meeting requirements Determine what requirements need to be given to Vendors Delineate between VOD/OTT Determine what is in scope or out of scope for project Proposal for how requirements are met by SPT WorkflowsIssues centering on the detailed process of how assets flow through the preparation process and specific steps within MediaCentre Refine list of workflows addressed by MediaCenter Identify any new in scope workflows for vendors Define high level requirements for vendors Give new requirements to other team (MAM/Content ID/Operations / etc) Refined list of all workflows to be handled by MediaCenter PROJECT Give new requirements to other team (MAM/Content ID/Operations etc) Define high level requirements required for final estimates MAM Requirements Issues detailing the specific operation of the asset management system, both in terms of functionality and process Refined list of MAM Requirements for Vendors List of requirements out of scope Give any other team any implications to the requirements Complete list of inscope requirements verified by vendors List of post project enhancments List of work arounds Give any other team any implications to the requirements (ie Operations)
Scope Team Charters Scope TeamCharterBefore RFPBefore GL System Architecture Issues involving the high level technical design of the MediaCentre and how it interconnects with other Sony systems Reference architecture for Vendors Identification of requirements requiring Vendor bids List of all functional services that are to be a part of the MediaCenter PROJECT List of all functional services that are on the roadmap (including out of scope) InfrastructureIssues regarding the network and hardware systems, sizing requirements, connectivity, and other detailed design concerns Verification of the infrastructure requirements INSIDE the core MediaCentre architecture for the vendors (including verified sizing) Specification of all infrastructure requirements inside and outside of the MediaCentre with verified assumptions Tech SpecsIssues involving the technical specifications of assets received, distributed, and used by the MediaCentre Identification of any standards that will need to be implemented by the vendors enough that the vendors can bid List of all of the standards that will be included in the scope of the PROJECT – enough that the project can estimate and deliver
Scope Team Charters Scope TeamCharterBefore RFPBefore GL Content ID/Metadata Issues that involve the way assets are indentified, how that data is exchanged and stored, and how master data flows Content ID and Metadata approach at a high level to guide vendors (worst case) Refinement of approach (high level model) enough to enable proper scoping of the PROJECT Refinement of the key metadata to be used to enable key workflows What is required scope of the PROJECT and what can be done later Program Acq./Rights Issues concerning content usage rights, methods of tracking usage, and the process of making systems aware of new content Identification of any requirements that would affect vendors Identification of any requirements or dependencies to BMS systems and workflows IntegrationIssues involving how various software systems interact with each other. Identification of any inbound our outbound data interchanges requirements with the core MediaCentre software Content ID implications shared with Content ID team List of specific interfaces to be build by the MediaCenter with an estimate ReportingIssues regarding the requirements for reporting, status updates, and metrics List of any reports expected to be produced by vendor apps High level reporting requirements Reporting architecture and approach required for estimation
Scope Team Charters Scope TeamCharterBefore RFPBefore GL Implementation /Scope Issues about whether a specific function or need is included within the MediaCentre project. Also defines program set-up Any scope or sizing decisions that would impact the assumptions or scope of the other work teams Structure of team Finalized scope, budget and schedule OperationsIssues involving how people and departments are responsible for parts of the overall workflow Any scope or sizing decisions that would impact the assumptions or scope of the other work teams Any manual or automation decisions General design of the “run” team that addresses incope workflows and support requirements Any workspace decisions Resolution of any HR impacts to overall operations SecurityIssues involved in preventing unauthorized use of or access to the MediaCentre and content distributed by the media Center List of security requirements for the vendors List of security requirements for all parties