Year 10 Mock exam information
Mock Exams…… To provide all with an opportunity to learn about where students currently are in their subjects For students to experience the expectations and routines of public examinations For students to identify there ‘formula’ for exams For students to attempt to plan revision and experiment with different revision methods
Mock Exams……
Exam Rules No mobile phones, iPods, MP3/4 players – If these are brought into the exam then a student maybe disqualified. Food and drink are not allowed in the exam room. A bottle of water may be brought if it has had the label removed. If a student is unwell or cannot attend the exam, they must inform the school as early as possible on the day of the exam, they cannot sit the exam on another day.
Exam Rules Students must not talk to, attempt to communicate with or disturb other candidates once they have entered the examination room. They must follow the instructions of the invigilator, if they have any questions, then they put their your hand up and the invigilator will come to them. If students arrive later then these times then they will not be admitted into the exam until they have seen he exams officer. It is imperative that students arrive on time to allow them a stress-free start to their exams.
Exam Rules Year 10 mocks are for our students, so we would also ask you to please support the school by making every effort to ensure that your son / daughter has the best possible attendance and punctuality record throughout this mock exam period. When students are not sitting a mock exam, they are still expected to be in normal lessons.