INDUCTIONINDUCTION Bury Adult Learning Service Skills for Life
Fire Evacuation (PEEPS) Phone First Aid Accident reporting
Smoking Smoking Smoking is NOT allowed inside this building You may smoke OUTSIDE This includes the use of electronic cigarettes
Do not forget to let your tutor know if you are going away from the building
Night Time Classes For safety reasons doors are locked at 8pm You can still leave the building but cannot re-enter after this time If you need to return to your lesson you must be back in before 8pm
Staff Toilets Tea breaks Absences and attendance Centre telephone number »0»
Learner Agreements Fill in the Learning Agreement as well as you can, if you need help with any of it feel free to ask This is your opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have before you start the course
Levels Level 2 Level 1 Entry Level 3 Entry Level 2 Entry Level 1
Complaints and Appeals There is a copy of the complaints and appeals procedure in your Learner handbook, it is also on display around the building. Always discuss anything that is worrying you as soon as you can, we will always try to help you as much as we can The appeals procedure can be found in the student handbook and on notice boards around the building
Appeals Procedure
Equality, Diversity and safeguarding Diversity is about valuing and embracing the differences in people, whether that relates to gender, race, disability, age or a whole host of other individual characteristics. Diversity is about enjoying these differences whatever they are! We want you to feel safe and that you are being treated fairly. If you have any concerns ask your tutor, the Curriculum Quality Leader (Ann Kirkpatrick) or the Safeguarding Officer (Nikki Naylor)
Student Representatives Their role is to help learners whenever they may need it. They will also be pleased to receive any articles / stories / poems which you may like to see published in the next issue of this newsletter. We look forward to hearing from you. If you would like to contact them with a problem, compliment or complaint you can leave a written message for them at your Centre office. Max Leon Alvarez Maiyada Rasoual Nathalie Mukanta- ganzwa Fran Slater Mo Roddy Jo Spencer
Individual Learning Plans Throughout your course you will be expected to keep a diary of your progress, this is called a Personal Learning Plan. We will start this today.
Working from home / Library Help me to find more useful links over the course and share with everyone else!
People Learn Differently In pairs or groups make a list of all the ways people can learn new things... maybe think of something you struggled to learn or remember and how you did it
Dates for the Calendar Term dates Personal holidays/attendance Cultural/religious holidays Birthdays Exam dates
Other Information Things to bring to class Pen Paper Calculator Other useful things: Diary Ring binder
Learner of the year event 2015 On Thursday 21st May, we celebrated the success of our learners, who all work very hard to combine studying with home, family and work commitments. The learners were representative of the many different courses and had been specifically nominated by their tutors in recognition of the level and progression of study and achievements in their various subject areas. Sushma Joshi was the overall learner of the year, in recognition of her high achievement and dedication on a number of courses (above accepting award from Cllr Mike Connolly, Leader of the Council). Certificates were also presented to volunteers who give up their time freely to help other learners. The certificates were presented by Mike Owen, Interim Chief Executive of Bury Council, in recognition of the invaluable contribution that volunteers make to Bury Adult Learning Service.
Have you seen our course guide?
You will now be given a piece of paper On this piece of paper write something about yourself and hand it in to the tutor, don’t choose something you don’t want anyone to know! Your tutor will read each of the facts out loud and you can guess who you think the fact relates to
How Many Squares?