LBNC report to the PAC David MacFarlane, LBNC Chair January 20, 2016
Genesis, scope and membership Recommended by Fermilab PAC in January as a new advisory committee focused specifically on LBNF/DUNE –Modeled after the successful LHCC at CERN Scope includes scientific, technical and managerial decisions/preparations of the experiment & facility Provides continuous oversight, reports to Fermilab Director Membership: 01/20/20162 o Chair, David MacFarlane (SLAC) o Ursula Bassler (IN2P3) o Sampa Bhadra (York) o Francesca Di Lodovico (Queen Mary) o Patrick Huber (Virginia Tech) o Mike Lindgren (FNAL) o Naba Mondal (TIFR) o Tsuyoshi Nakaya (Kyoto) o David Nygren (UT Arlington) o Marco Pallavicini (Genova) o Stephen Pordes (FNAL) o Kem Robinson (LBNL) o Nigel Smith (SNOLAB) o David Wark (Oxford) David MacFarlane | LBNC report to the PAC
Overview of the year for LBNF and DUNE 01/20/2016David MacFarlane | LBNC report to the PAC3 CD-1R preparation LBNF CD-3a preparation CD-3a Director’s Review Oct CD-3a DOE Review Dec 2-4 CD-1R Director’s Review June 2-4 CD-1R DOE Review July Science strategy & CD-1R preparation DUNE CD-1R Director’s Review June 2-4 CD-1R DOE Review July DUNE Collab meeting Sep 3-5 DUNE Collab meeting Apr WG, TF, WA105 & protoDUNE LAr workshops Oct Collab Spokespersons elected March 9 LBNC Apr Apr 9Apr 2 Feb 5 May 14May 21Jun 11Jul 30 Aug 6 Sep 5-6Oct 23 Nov 24 Jun PAC Face-to-face Sep 3 Not shown: weekly Saturday morning calls with LBNC Chair, Fermilab, LBNF, & DUNE management Dec 21
LBNC mini-review agenda for LBNF on Sep 3 01/20/2016David MacFarlane | LBNC report to the PAC4
LBNC agenda for DUNE on Sep /20/20165 Preceded by DUNE Collaboration plenary sessions on Sep 4-5 [Collab meeting]Collab meeting David MacFarlane | LBNC report to the PAC
LBNC meeting: January 11-12, /20/2016David MacFarlane | LBNC report to the PAC6 Preceded DUNE Collaboration meeting Jan [LBNC agenda]LBNC agenda [Collab agenda]Collab agenda Draft closeout slide decks for LBNF and DUNE Will turn these into written reports
Focus areas in FY2016 LBNF: –Execution against final design plan for CD-3a scope DUNE: –Progress against goals, milestones and plan for protoDUNE single- and dual-phase Envision LBNC as a gateway, similar to role played by LHCC –Progress against goals, milestones and plan for the three Task Force efforts (ND, FD, BO) –Progress in software and computing, and automated reconstruction in particular –Strategy for preparations in advance of CD-2/CD-3c –Progress in developing a responsibility matrix for protoDUNE (near-term) and DUNE construction (longer-term) 01/20/2016David MacFarlane | LBNC report to the PAC7
State of DUNE [Rubbia] Comments (continued): –There are many activities that will need to planned and completed in order to be ready for CD-2/3a in FY2019 Beam optimization; conceptual, preliminary and final design (70%) for implementation, including neutrino horns, dumps, targets, and related CF; detailed cost and schedule ND strategy and optimization; conceptual, preliminary, and final design (70%) and any related prototyping; detailed cost and schedule to the extent that DOE funds are involved FD optimization; protoDUNE demonstration; conceptual, preliminary, and final design (70%); detailed cost and schedule to the extent that DOE funds are involved MOUs with as many countries and institutions as possible, but including key partners David MacFarlane | LBNC report to the PAC801/20/2016
State of DUNE [Rubbia] Recommendations: –A comprehensive plan for activities between now and CD-2/3a should be developed Should identify deliverables at the time of CD-2/3a, strategies and timelines for executing and completing these requirements Should set out clear goals for protoDUNE as part of CD-2 preparation Should include options and pathways depending on how successful key elements are executed and/or funding contributions are identified Should consider risks, associated mitigation R&D, resource requirements and availability Should consider, but not be limited to, strategies for beamline, ND, & FD; and development of international agreements Should be captured to the extent possible by a high-level schedule and milestones 9David MacFarlane | LBNC report to the PAC01/20/2016
ProtoDUNE SP NP-04 [James, Stewart, Cavanna] Organization, Schedule, Construction, Installation Planning Findings –CERN-FNAL MOU has been signed and grants status as approved experiment NP-04 –An updated management structure that includes dual-phase NP-02 has been created and formalized, with integration imminent. –The management integration process for NP-02 and NP-04 will occur during the effort to complete planning, construction, and commissioning of these activities, prior to LS2. –The current NP-04 schedule is stated to be inconsistent with high-level planning by about six months. –An integrated Resource Loaded Schedule consistent with high- level planning is the goal of a meeting in February –A TDR for NP-04 has been requested by CERN and is planned to be completed by summer /20/2016David MacFarlane | LBNC report to the PAC10
ProtoDUNE SP NP-04 [James, Stewart, Cavanna] Organization, Schedule, Construction, Installation Planning Findings (continued) –NP-04 mimics the current FD design concept in field cage, drift length, wire spacing, HV, other important construction features. –First manufacture of APA for NP-04 starts in September –Among various concepts, a solid cathode plane is favored. –A plastic termination of field cage elements will be used to minimize discharge of stored electrical energy. –The value of mechanical/electrical integration tests is recognized. –The cold electronics design has been found to need revision; this work is coordinated with SBND groups. –No information about the photon detection system was presented. –An NP-04 Requirements Document does not appear to exist. –The risks due to current schedule uncertainties are recognized. 01/20/2016David MacFarlane | LBNC report to the PAC11
ProtoDUNE SP NP-04 [James, Stewart, Cavanna] Organization, Schedule, Construction, Installation Planning Comments –The photon detection system design and status were not presented to the LBNC. –No float exists in the schedule for operation with test beams prior to LS2 representing a significant risk. –Operation of one or both NP systems with beam prior to LS2 is a highly visible and important goal for DUNE. –DAQ issues appear to be understood. –The DUNE management is to be commended on issuing the call (Jan ) for Expressions of Interest to contribute to protoDUNE. As well as helping deliver the detectors, this should help engage more of the collaboration and be treated as an opportunity to develop valuable expertise not just for protoDUNE but also for the longer-term. 01/20/2016David MacFarlane | LBNC report to the PAC12
ProtoDUNE SP NP-04 [James, Stewart, Cavanna] Organization, Schedule, Construction, Installation Planning Recommendations –Appropriate oversight and resources should be allocated to maximize likelihood of useful running with beam prior to LS2. –The DUNE Collaboration should define a clear set of goals for ProtoDUNE with regard to CD-2. 01/20/2016David MacFarlane | LBNC report to the PAC13
Charge from Fermilab Director on SBN oversight: Initial steps taken on SBN program coordination LBNC met with SBN, DUNE spokespersons on Sep 2 & 17 –Discussed steps to achieve greater coordination on automated LAr reconstruction, starting with an assessment workshop in October leading to development of a longer-term strategy –Will be held contiguous to a LArSoft framework requirements workshop jointly sponsored by the SBN/DUNE collaborations –SBN Executive Board will revive a Steering Committee to develop a concrete plan for a joint analysis strategy –LBNC will monitor discussions between SBND and DUNE on coordination of TPC hardware, electronics, and photon detection systems to the degree possible Will move to continuous oversight model, with some additional LBNC members to take on this scope 01/20/2016David MacFarlane | LBNC report to the PAC14
LAr TPC Reconstruction Assessment and Requirements Workshops: Oct at Fermilab Workshops Organized by the LArSoft Steering Group/Collaboration – spokespeople of most LArTPC experiments, Fermilab ND and SCD heads, LArSoft leads Very good attendance: ~40 attendees locally, 8 attendees remotely, 63 on the mail list. MicroBooNE, ICARUS, SBND, LArIAT, DUNE – including ProtoDUNE, WA105, 35ton –, CERN Neutrino Platform, Scientific Computing Division Goals: –Assess the current status of LAr TPC event reconstruction and analysis solutions –Write requirements for LArTPC reconstruction software, computing hardware, and human interaction (eco-system) 01/20/2016David MacFarlane | LBNC report to the PAC15
Next steps for SBN coordination Setting up monthly call with SBN and DUNE spokespersons –Regular SBN reporting to LBNC, starting with a summary talk on the LAr reconstruction & LArTPC software requirements workshop at the Oct 23 LBNC call Expect LArTPC requirements document to complete shortly, followed by development of an implementation plan –Fermilab will conduct an independent architectural review of the requirements and plan in early 2016 Completion of LAr reconstruction assessment, planning for full LAr reconstruction workshop in spring 2016 –Will follow initial experience with MicroBooNE data Review proposed governance for joint SBN physics planning and coordination 01/20/2016David MacFarlane | LBNC report to the PAC16
Summary LBNC is fully engaged as the main oversight committee to the Fermilab Director on DUNE and LBNF, and aspects of SBN program –Working closely with DUNE and LBNF, and starting up with SBN program but with some challenges Initial focus was CD-1R, then CD-3a for LBNF and now TF, R&D efforts, and developing international partners for DUNE –Outstanding performance at CD-1R was a first big test for the new paradigm followed quickly by crucial CD-3a in December –Now moving to an execution phase: FSCF final design and contracting for LBNF; protoDUNE, TF efforts, CD-2 planning for DUNE Evolving role of LBNC to more in-depth review and advice on physics, technical, project execution & management 01/20/201617David MacFarlane | LBNC report to the PAC