R EVIEWS AND F EEDBACK : R EVIEWING I NNOVATION P LANS THROUGH THE PROBLEM OF PRACTICE MODEL Joey Nichol NHDOE Joey Nichol, New Hampshire Department of Education Joe Trunk, New England Comprehensive Center 1 3/17/16
It is not an event but a process! Implementation Science Explore-Plan-Launch-Sustain Reflection/Revision of Problems of Practice. Focus: Data Literacy 2nd Quarterly Meeting Launching 1st Quarterly Meeting Planning 2016 NH Educators’ Summer Summit Exploration 3rd Quarterly Meeting Expansion 4th Quarterly Meeting Sustain Problems of Practice Model of School Innovation ★
USED-Indistar-Swift Alignments USEDNH Indistar KeysSWIFT Domains Strong LeadershipPrincipal LeadershipAdministrative Leadership Effective Teachers and Leaders Educator EffectivenessAdministrative Leadership Redesign School Day, Week, Year Expanded Learning TimeInclusive Policy Structure and Practice Strengthen Instructional Program Use of Effective and Evidence-based Instructional Strategies Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Use Data to Inform InstructionLeadership Teams Meet and Use Data to Inform Decision Making Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Safe School EnvironmentSchool and Community Culture and ClimateIntegrated Education Framework Engage Families and Communities Parent Engagement in Leadership TeamsTrusting Family and Community Partnerships
Tri-annual Review Levels Does Not Meet Target on Rubric A NHDOE Team Revises Plan Collaboratively with a School Funding is Approved Approaching Target on Rubric Report Identifies what is needed to meet target. School Amends and Returns Plan Based on Clarifying Questions from Review Teams Funding is Approved Meets Target on Rubric Funding is Approved School Requests Learning Opportunities
How does New Hampshire’s process of reviewing plans and providing feedback differ from the process used in South Dakota? Purpose: similar: understanding of work being done in F/P schools; supports needed; provide feedback Participants: similar but NH does not have coaches Process: Data Analysis days for SD; Tri-annual reviews for NH Work day/Tri-annual review: review of the evidence; use of a rubric Work groups: similar but NH spreads their reviews over 3 days for each of the tri-annual reviews.
Double Blind review of the 41 plans in NH Strengths: transparency of the process; timely feedback; opportunities to work on the plan with guidance; focused support from the DOE; both maximize use of Indistar process. NH reports that a more serious approach is being taken to completing the Innovation plans by the schools. Challenges: also very similar: changing staff especially in critical positions; finding enough reviewers; interrater reliability.
Contact Information 9 Joey Nichol Educational Consultant SIG Coordinator New Hampshire Department of Education Joe Trunk Research Associate New England Comprehensive Center