October 28, 2011
Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Root Causes Identified: Agency Causes Failure to properly investigate earnings in a timely manner Failure to educate claimants on penalties of fraud Claimant Causes Failure to report or incorrectly report wages Failure to notify when return to work Week claim vs. week earned Employer Causes Incorrect week/wage reporting 2
Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Planned actions to address: Encourage employer use of the electronic verification system for cross match purposes Milestone: January 2012 Issue press releases, create a fraud link on our website, and post signs in the offices about penalties in order to discourage fraudulent activities Milestone: November 2011 Implement the NDNH in our weekly filing system to encourage wage reporting Milestone: December
Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Planned actions to address: Weekly claim questions will be shuffled and/or reworded to ensure that the claimant is listening to each question Milestone: July 2012 Propose a legislative change that would make all vacation, severance, pension and holiday pay non-deductible and non- taxable. Milestone: July 2012 Send a daily notification to the NDNH and SDNH instead of weekly notification. Milestone: December
Separations (SEPs): Root Causes Identified: Agency Causes Incorrectly adjudicated decisions Failure to gather enough information in fact finding hearing Claimant Causes Incorrect separation reason reported when filing Employer Causes Timeliness of protests Failure to respond Quality of responses 5
Separations: Planned actions to address: Assess staff and implement Go To Trainings Milestones: assessment/development (May 2011) and training (June 2011-ongoing) Review the language of the administrative rules to make them more specific and less open to interpretation. Milestone: July 2012 Collaborate with the appeals sections to improve adjudication (mini BTQ) Milestone: October 2011-ongoing 6
Separations: Planned actions to address: Improve the UI claims application with more separation options Milestones: Development and testing complete by April 2012 Agency phone number will no longer show up as “unavailable” on caller ID Milestone: October 2011 Propose a legislative change that employers will not be relieved of charges if they do not participate in the adjudication process Milestone: July 2012 Implement SIDES Milestones: Testing (July 2012) and Go Live (March 2012) 7
Work Search Issues: Root Causes Identified: Agency Causes Failure to investigate work search issues due to staff reductions. Claimant Causes Failure to complete the number of job searches that is required. 8
Work Search Issues : Planned actions to address: Make web-based reporting mandatory December 2012 Propose an increase in the number of weekly job contacts required from two to five. July 2012 Claimants are required to input specific job contacts on weekly claim filing Easier for agency to investigate Claimant accountability Milestone: April
10 Issue 1: Dependency Errors Root causes identified : Lack of correct knowledge of staff Lack of knowledge of claimants Planned actions to address issue Change Iowa law so the number of dependents does not affect the weekly amount in benefits Milestone: July 2012 Educate staff with quick reference guides Milestone: November 2011 Change application to include a more clear message about who can be claimed Milestone: April 2012 Collect more information about dependents Milestone: April 2012
11 Issue 2: Second Benefit Year Disqualifications Root causes identified: Lack of communication between field staff and service center System failure to properly identify and lock claims Planned actions to address issue Increase the 2 nd benefit year earnings requirement from $250 to $1,500 Milestone: July 2012 Open communication and notify employee of errors Milestone: immediately Create new criteria for kick-outs for educated staff to work. Milestone: November 2011
12 Issue 3: Enforcement of Collections Root causes identified: Failure to collect on outstanding overpayment balances Planned actions to address issue TOP’s (Treasury Offset Program) February 2012 Legislation will impose a 15% penalty on all outstanding overpayments Non-issue of drivers, hunting, gaming, or fishing licenses to anyone with an outstanding overpayment Work with the state employment service to prevent a state agency from hiring an individual with an outstanding overpayment balance. Milestone for all above: July 2012
Strategies to Support Owning UI Integrity: Empower, encourage and educate every staff member to understand how their jobs connect to UI integrity. Global s/Newsletters Staff meetings Develop processes that encourage staff to recommend solutions to reduce improper payments Open door policy Quarterly staff meetings Continue the Integrity Task Force with monthly meetings Implement and maintain management oversight. Weekly management meetings 13
Communications Strategies: To public: Press Releases on fraud prosecutions Fraud link on agency website Use social media to promote integrity (facebook, twitter) To claimant: Update Workers Guide with integrity message and reduce its size Use phone “hold time” to educate claimants Create quick reference guides and video messages To employer: Create an employer advisor committee /Liaison Use new employer packets and annual rate notice mailings as opportunity to inform employers of integrity & use of electronic crossmatch submission. 14
Communications Strategies: To state UI staff: Global s and meetings Integrity Training To state leaders: Inform state leaders of our integrity message and get them “on board” Propose legislative change that could reduce overpayments 15
“Integrity: Own It!” Questions? State Contact for follow-up: Matt Mardesen: Phone: