Power Quality Monitoring Meters Financial Requirements Presented by: Commercial Finance Date: Friday 15 May’ 15
2 Financial Returnables Pricing Information (Excel & PDF File) Consists of following worksheets: 1. Instructions 2. Summary 3. PS5 Schedule 4. Volumes 5. Act Sch- 101 to Option X3 7. Option X1 Input is required in all cells shaded light green
3 Summary Tenderers to note: 1.Automated- Unit Price of Foreign Currency and Local Portion (in ZAR). 2.Total unit price excluding VAT. Note: some rows and columns that appear in the Excel file are hidden in the above extract
4 Act Sch-101 to 103 Tenderers to Ensure: 1.Unit Price in relevant currency, from Option 3 worksheet 2.Currency code (e.g. ZAR or USD or EUR) into column Currency Type 3. Conversion to ZAR takes place based on your input into Column Price in Rands. Main Pricing Worksheets Linked to various worksheets Drop Down Menus- Columns or alternative manual INPUT
5 Tenderers to Enter: 1.Price to exclude VAT. Note: some rows and columns that appear in the Excel file are hidden in the above extract Act Sch-101 to 103
6 Option X1 10% Fixed Portion minimum (i.e. can be more e.g. 35% Fixed) Balance of Weightings (e.g. 85%)- make use of appropriate indices Sum of indices adds up to 100% No in-house indices allowed Proposed indices must be reflective of cost structure Final applicable CPA formulae may be negotiated with successful tenderers
7 Per Formula (A to M) Submitted, the Tenderers must Input: 1.Description of CPA Formula 2.For the balance of indices (e.g. 85%) making up each formula: % Weights (add up to 100% including minimum 15% Fixed portion) Rounding off errors- 95.5% Description Definition from publisher Base month and Index plus Historical data See notes under Instructions Note: some rows and columns that appear in the Excel file are hidden in the above extract Option X1
8 Option X3
9 Other matters Pricing Schedule to be studied in advance by the person preparing the Pricing Sch. Offers must be COMPLETE & CLEAR ERROR CHECKING o Conflicts o Totals & Subtotals o Cross References o Cross casts If Detect errors- Please inform us urgently Printing settings for all documents are to be adjusted according to Tenderer’s printer (readable, Repeat Row & Column Headings & on A3 Paper)
Other Matters Tenderers to please complete the Excel Pricing Schedule, included on the tender bulletin Apart from the hard copies, the pricing schedule must also be submitted in electronic format (CD) in both an Excel & Pdf format. The hard copies must be submitted and signed by the authorized signatory on the Summary worksheet 10
11 Questions