Www.egi.eu EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 EGI-InSPIRE www.egi.eu EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 1 Pay-for-Use PoC: Overview, Results and EGI FedCloud Pay-for-Use PoC - EGI.


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EGI-InSPIRE RI EGI-InSPIRE EGI-InSPIRE RI Pay-for-Use PoC: Overview, Results and EGI FedCloud Pay-for-Use PoC - EGI FedCloud F2F Amsterdam – 19 Jan 2015

EGI-InSPIRE RI Purpose Statement 2 Provide a high-level overview of the Pay-for-Use Proof of Concept and main results and outline open actions/suggestions regarding EGI FedCloud for discussion. Pay-for-Use PoC - EGI FedCloud F2F Amsterdam – 19 Jan 2015

EGI-InSPIRE RI Pay-for-Use PoC: Objectives Articulate appropriate business and responsibility models through defined business scenarios/cases Define prices for services from participating sites (compute and storage) – seek others who are interested Understand required agreements and service management processes Identify the tools required and necessary development to facilitate pay-for-use service provisioning Analyse the changes within a pre-production environment that would be needed to support and roll out the new functionalities in the production environment Evaluate legal, policy, and organizational issues around the full implementation of the pay-for-use model Produce Final Report as concrete input to 2015 activities –Available at: 3 Pay-for-Use PoC - EGI FedCloud F2F Amsterdam – 19 Jan 2015

EGI-InSPIRE RI Pay-for-Use PoC: Participants 43 Members and Observers –EGI.eu (Lead), Resource Centers, NGI NILs, Commercial Company Publishing Pricing Information –20 Organisations across 12 Countries –20 Grid Sites: Belarus; Bulgaria; Germany; Greece; Italy; Latvia; Poland; Spain; Switzerland; Turkey –10 Cloud Sites: Finland, Greece; Italy; Poland; Slovakia; Spain; Turkey; UK –15 Storage sites: Bulgaria; Greece; Italy; Spain Price Ranges (incl. support) –Grid (HEPSPEC/hr): €0.01-€0.15 (Avg. €0.05; Median €0.05) –Cloud (wallclock/hr): €0.03-€0.11 (Avg. €0.05; Median €0.05) –Storage (€/GB/month): €0.01-€0.14 (Avg. €0.04; Median €0.04) –+/- VAT 8%-24% (where applicable) Taxation report available at: –Prices to be valid for one year once in production 4 Pay-for-Use PoC - EGI FedCloud F2F Amsterdam – 19 Jan 2015

EGI-InSPIRE RI Pay-for-Use PoC: Initial Business Scenario Customer Service / Price List Service Provider Virtual Organization 1. Publishes Services 2. Searches 3. Selects / Submits Request 4. Agrees SLA 7. Allocates Capacity 8. Adds Users / 9. Uses Services Broker 5. Informs About New Customer 6. Informs VO 10. Provides Invoice & Reports Makes payment Pay-for-Use PoC - EGI FedCloud F2F Amsterdam – 19 Jan 2015

EGI-InSPIRE RI Pay-for-Use PoC: Current results Processes in business scenario for phase 1 defined Tools adaptation –GOCDB extensions added to set prices –Accounting Portal accounting information –e-GRANT Broker/User Interface Providers –30 Sites publishing pricing information (20 Grid, 10 Cloud) Legal and Policy solutions emerging –e.g. research-only purpose statements; joint collaborations Business Cases being explored –Helix Nebula, ESA, Cloud for Europe, Charity Engine, Arctur, Engineering Pay-for-Use PoC - EGI FedCloud F2F Amsterdam – 19 Jan

EGI-InSPIRE RI e-GRANT - EGI Resource Allocation Tool: Current status Customer can: send requests, negotiate resources, sign SLAs, view allocations Resources Provider can: specify resources as pools ready for allocation, negotiate allocation for specific customer, analyse current and planned allocations Broker (EGI) can: communicate with customers around request/SLA, run supported matching of a request with pools, communicate with resources providers, analyse current and planned allocations 4 types of resources: HTC Computing & Storage, Cloud Computing & Storage 4 types of documents: Requests, Pools, SLAs, and underpinned OLAs 3 modes of allocation: free-hand, right-to-revoke, full-negotiations 2 types of authorization: EGI SSO, X.509 e-GRANT.egi.eu Pay-for-Use PoC - EGI FedCloud F2F Amsterdam – 19 Jan

EGI-InSPIRE RI e-GRANT: Development for Pay-for-Use Completed –Special pool type: pay-for-use (w/ price) –Importing prices from GOCDB In Progress (due 31 Jan 2015) –User self-allocation: supported matching pools enabled for customers (existing broker functionality) –Automatic finding and presenting the cheapest allocation that suited requested parameters –Presenting cost of overall allocation Planned –Proper SLA (document) created based on template and negotiated metrics. –Billing according contract/SLA (integration with accounting needed) Pay-for-Use PoC - EGI FedCloud F2F Amsterdam – 19 Jan

EGI-InSPIRE RI Resource Provider: P4U Readiness Ready for production = 9 –CESGSA (ES), CSC (FI), IFCA-CSIC (ES), 100% IT (UK); TUBITAK (TR); II SAS (BG); INFN-Bari (IT) –Albert Einstein Center Univ. of Bern (outside CH users only) –MASTER-UP (IT) (limited capacity) Ability through joint development projects = 1 –GRNET In development = 1 –UIIP-NASB Internal decisions on-going = 4 –Bulgaria Grid –PL-Grid (for outside PL users only) –Fraunhofer SCAI/LRZ (DE) –Latvia Grid Pay-for-Use PoC - EGI FedCloud F2F Amsterdam – 19 Jan

EGI-InSPIRE RI FedCloud: Requirements 3 Main Issues –FedCloud “Flavors” Attach an associated priced (in GOCDB) –Currently only wallclock hrs for cloud Ensure accounting quality across all flavors. –Normalisation of accounting data (so that we do not charge apples for oranges) –Storage Accounting SLAs –Ensure resource ‘lifespan’ is included & monitored according to agreed terms If someone is paying, it cannot be longer than agreed (also good practice for resource use) i.e. storage –Needs to include legal liability text Pay-for-Use PoC - EGI FedCloud F2F Amsterdam – 19 Jan

EGI-InSPIRE RI Future Recommendations User-facing graphical interface –All technical development is complete and a design mock-up created To be ready by end of Jan 2015 (based on e-GRANT). Increase automation of varying pricing schemes beyond pay-for-use and packaged services (e-GRANT terminology of “pools”). SLA using EGI templates (based on FitSM) –Only missing legal liability text Ensure FedCloud technical integration Integrate an automated billing function Mature EGI.eu's role as a full central broker –Contractually: EGI.eu currently does not have a VAT number and potentially needs a separate business entity –Pricing model: Registration fee, % of transaction, etc. Align closely with future ‘Marketplace’ activities, which have a very large crossover with the P4U PoC. Pay-for-Use PoC - EGI FedCloud F2F Amsterdam – 19 Jan

EGI-InSPIRE RI Questions? 12 Pay-for-Use PoC - EGI FedCloud F2F Amsterdam – 19 Jan 2015