Child Protection Maria Doyle. IPPN Conference 2013.
Essential Reading/References Child Protection Procedures for Primary & Post Primary Schools. (DES) Children First National Guidance for the Protection & Welfare of Children.(HSE) Circulars 0022/2010,0063/2010 & 65/2011. Stay Safe Programme (now obligatory) Protection for Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act 1998 FOI Act 1997 & Data Protection Act 2003 Non-Fatal Offences against the Persons Act 1997 Criminal Justice Act 2006.
What schools MUST have/do. Child Protection Policy which conforms to the DES Procedures 2011 (Hard copy in classes) Copy of Children First - National Guidance SPHE Policy – incorporating how Stay Safe is addressed in school. Code of Behaviour (using NEWB Guidelines) Anti Bullying Policy – incorporating section on Cyber Bullying. Health & Safety Policy. Record Keeping Policy. Stringent Recruitment Procedures (63/2010)
What a school SHOULD have/do. Staff Training in Child Protection including ancillary/SNA’s & teachers. Name of DLP prominently displayed Duties of DLP and BOM clearly defined and understood Procedures in place for visitors/parents/officials accessing the school. ICT Policy.
Principal as DLP Ensure that all members of school community are aware of who to approach if they have a Child Protection concern. Consult with P/A. Are you as DLP fully aware of your responsibilities? Are all school staff informed? How/ when do you ask for advice/make a formal referral? Child Protection matters must be recorded at BOM Meetings-included on the Agenda and in the Principals Report
Associated policies relating to Child Protection Enrolment Behaviour Bullying H&S Attendance Record Keeping Supervision Swimming & Games ICT Special Ed. Induction of Staff
Recognising Signs of Abuse. Children First Chapter 2:1(Signs of Abuse) Children with Special Vulnerabilities Chapter 2:8 Peer Abuse, Bullying, Cyber Bullying Chapter 9. Especially Vulnerable Children Chapter 8
Allegations against an employee There is a two stranded approach if the allegation is made against a school employee – (who is not the DLP). The DLP is responsible for reporting to the HSE. The allegation must be reported to the BOM irrespective of whether a report was or was not made to HSE.
Allegation against employee contd. BOM is the employer and the Chairperson must : Inform employee of allegation Whether matter has been referred to HSE Give employee copy of written allegation Request a written response Take action appropriate to allegation
Cyber Bullying –best practice School should address issues of Cyber / Internet Bullying as they would bullying in the traditional sense. Ensure school has a stringent AUP incorporated into ICT Policy. Bullying Policy should contain a section on Internet Bullying. Work closely with P/A to address issues relating to Cyber Bullying.
What can the school do? Stay Safe strategies can be used to protect children in the Social Media context. Schools must encourage openness around proper internet use. Encourage culture of ‘it’s alright to tell’. Encourage pupils to tell parents,print off evidence of bullying then ‘delete’ Keep parents informed of dangers and encourage transparency.
What the school can do-contd. Bullying is currently not a criminal offence – but harassment is and this is addressed in the Non-fatal Offences against the Persons Act Establish if the on line activity is persistent or individual. Children under 12 cannot be held legally responsible for actions BUT Gardaí encourage schools to report serious cases as they can act in an appropriate manner.
Continued Liaise with local Garda Liaison Officer and invite him/her to school to talk to pupils. A programme has been prepared for delivery to fifth/sixth class pupils. Encourage P/A to invite a speaker to address parents on Cyber Bullying. Encourage Friendship Week prominently display posters encouraging pupils to ‘Stamp out Bullying’
Available on This presentation and associated publications. Relevant Circulars Reporting Procedures for DLP Procedures for employees who receive a disclosure/suspect abuse. Copy of HSE Formal Referral Form Copy of a Child Protection Policy which can be modified.
Our Children – Our Future May we preserve in our young people a sense of wonder at the marvels of life. May we teach them to discern good from evil so that they may grow in integrity of character and develop a true sense of values.