By: Matthew Long
Picture These monkeys is an old world monkey it feeds off of berries and nuts. They mostly use there time of the day, eating.
Interesting Facts Monkeys are amazing creatures. They can do a lot of things like climb, swing from tree to tree with their tails, and they run really fast. Monkeys stay in groups called troops to stay safe from predators, The way they stay safe is one or two stay on watch for any predators and if they see one they run back to the rest of the troop and warn them all.
More Interesting Facts Monkeys live in some different places around to globe, for instance some old world monkeys live in Asia. Some monkeys live in rain forests like most new world monkeys. New world monkeys and old world monkeys are very different from each other. for example most old world monkeys only eat leaves from trees New world monkeys eat leaves, nuts, and fruits.
Inherited Traits Monkeys start their own troops like their fathers, but only when their old enough. All primates have big brains and keep their focus straight just like other primates. Howler Monkeys don’t howl much when their children but do when their more in adult hood.
Habitat Some monkeys live in dry area, like most old world monkeys, for instance, howler monkeys are old world and live in dry lands. Most new world monkeys live in some of the most grassiest places but mostly rainforests because they have many ways to survive in rainforests.
How do they change their environments? Some monkeys change their environments by not being seen by their predators, if they monkeys can’t be seen then the predators will not be able to eat. Monkeys also change their environments by eating, monkey eat and hunt for a long time just for their families. A lot of monkeys live in rain forests so the forests may just run out quickly.
Adaptations Monkeys have their trusty long tails for many things. 1. To swing from one tree to another 2. To use as a fifth arm/leg 3. To carry/throw things
Sources 1. Book: Monkeys by Lucy Bowman Published in Book: Monkeys by July Guidone Published in Book: Monkeys by Julie Murray Published in 2005
Internet source 1. Microsoft power-point/Pub.2007
Websites 1. Animal Britannica 2. National Geographic 3. Creature feature [Part of National Geographic]