Chapter 22 Lesson 1
Did You Know? The purpose of advertisements for alcohol is to make this harmful drug look appealing and attractive. These companies want people to buy their products.
Facts About Alcohol A. Ethanol is another name for alcohol. 1. It is a powerful and addictive drug. 2. It is produced by fermenting fruits, vegetables, and grains. 3. It can be process to produce different liquors. B. There are immediate effects when people consume alcohol. 1. A first reaction is an energy rush. 2. The nervous system slows down. 3. Clear thinking and good judgment are diminished. 4. A user can become intoxicated, where the body is poisoned and out of control.
Discussion Question Why do many teenagers choose to drink alcohol when they know the risks?
Factors That Influence Alcohol Use A. Peer pressure is strong for teens who don’t drink, yet want to feel accepted within a group who does drink alcohol. B. If family members discourage teens from drinking alcohol, teens will more likely avoid drinking because they don’t want parental disapproval.
Factors That Influence Alcohol Use C. If teens recognize what’s behind the media messages that promote drinking, they can better resist these influences. D. Companies that produce alcoholic beverages spend billions of dollars to make drinking their products seem attractive. Teens need to analyze these ads.
Being Alcohol Free A. Maintain a healthy body. B. Make responsible decisions. C. Avoid risky behavior. D. Avoid illegal activities.
Strategies for Preventing Use of Alcohol A. Be prepared to say “No.” B. Be assertive. C. Leave the situation quickly. D. Call for a ride home. E. Avoid parties where alcohol is served.