RESOURCEADVANTAGESDISADVANTAGES SOLAR ENERGY Solar panels collect sun’s energy and store it Is the least harmful to the environment because it does NOT cause pollution Not always sunny ….solar panels are affected by cloud cover and length of day therefore solar power is not always reliable
RESOURCEADVANTAGESDISADVANTAGES WIND ENERGY No fossil fuels are burnt therefore no greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere In the US within next 60 years wind energy will produce 5-10% of our electricity Not always windy …energy source is inconsistent Noise pollution Don’t produce as much electricity as other types of energy sources
RESOURCEADVANTAGESDISADVANTAGES GEOTHERMAL ENERGY Pumping water to a magma source and heating the water up to produce electricity Does not produce pollution Finding a location that is suitable for a geothermal plant is not easy….you have to find a hot spot like Yellowstone National Park or close to a volcano
RESOURCEADVANTAGESDISADVANTAGES HYDROELECTIC Building dams Main advantage is they do not produce much pollution Main disadvantage is they destroy ecosystems (habitats of animals). They are expensive to build and they cause flooding
RESOURCEADVANTAGESDISADVANTAGES BIOMASS Converts stored energy in plants into energy we can use…burning wood and crops like corn are examples Sometimes produces greenhouse gases Land is used for growing crops for energy instead of for food
RESOURCEADVANTAGESDISADVANTAGES TIDAL ENERGY Energy is obtained from the low and high tides that occur 2 times each day. Creates little or no pollution Tidal stations can harm the environment. You need a large difference in the water level between high and low tides to produce energy.
Fossil Fuels