Labec: facilities e applicazioni orientate ad ambiente e industria.


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Presentation transcript:

Labec: facilities e applicazioni orientate ad ambiente e industria

Tandem Accelerator Hall

At Labec a new mass spectroscopy line has been built in order to improve rare isotopes sensitivity (up to in 14 C/ 12 C case). Tests are in progress (best achieved sensitivity 3x ). Preliminary results (obtained with a temporary setup) showed a good agreement between simulated isobars (12CH2 and 13CH) pollution and measured data

Higher-Z elements X ray detector (Si(Li)) Light elements X ray detector (SDD) Faraday cup Gamma ray det. HPGe He

Mi n. Ma x. Cu Si Black = copper White=glass (silicon) 250  m Strong focusing system from 8 um up to hundreds of um Full control of beam currents from a few nA down to ultra low intensities (few hundreds of particles/sec) “high” beam intensities (pA – nA): standard IBA: PIXE - PIGE - BS maps low currents (fA): IBIL (ionoluminescence) studies rarefied beam (100 ÷ particles per second): STIM (scanning transmission ion microscopy) IBIC (detector response vs beam position)

Electrostatic deflector beamline (pulsed beam facility) Beam bunches with different particle multiplicity can be delivered directly to a detector for response tests to particles

Tandem: Beams 2% 30% 3% 5% 35% 25% 10%5% 4% 3% 25% 20% 30% Beams Usage Proton & Carbon: 90% of ions beams other IBA used ions (mainly Defel) AMS & Aerosol can run automatically with remote control (night home working)

The transportable XRF spectrometers Measurement head Controller ● 2 X ray tubes (30 kV max, 1 mA max) with different anodes: Mo, Ti and W ● interchangeable collimators; typical beam diameter 0.5 mm ● SDD detector (active area 10 mm 2, 450 μm thickness, FWHM keV) ● helium flow in front of tubes and detector ● 2 laser beams for sample positioning ●TV chamber ●independent PS for the two tubes ●data acquisition, He flow, X-Y-Z displacement and video camera remotely controlled (Ethernet)

(2004) small town 7 Km N of Taranto B polluted district in Taranto A Industrial area

Aerosol & 14C Radiocarbon (14C) is produced in the atmosphere and decays with a half-life of 5730 y. Living organisms have approximately the same radiocarbon concentration as the atmosphere they live in. After death, they loose radiocarbon due to decay; fossil fuels are so old they are radiocarbon-free. The analysis on the total carbon (TC) allows the distinction between fossil and non-fossil sources. An improvement in source apportionment is possible by the separate analysis on organic (OC) and elemental (EC) carbon fractions, since it allows the separation of natural and anthropogenic contributions (Szidat et al. 2006).

Aerosol: average source apportionment PATOS: Daily Samples Lucca

Labec & Eni  Determination of the fraction of PM that comes from components of biological origin, through the measurement of 14C  Quantitative characterization of the elemental composition of the particulate with IBA techniques (and / or XRF)  Determination of (elemental carbon/organic carbon)  25k€ If the collaboration works will be extended to European calls Industrial research and our research can have a common purpose

Other contracts  SISMAX SIstema portatile a Scansione per analisi di composizione di MAteriali tramite raggi X 5 – Nanomateriale e nuovi materiali 7 – Energie rinnovabili INFN - CNR (INO) – UniFI CIODUE S.p.A. (Mi) AIRON Group S.p.A. (Fi)  BIO_MICRORAD Messa a punto di un sistema per irraggiamento di colture cellulari con microfascio ionico (bystander) 1 – Scienze della vita INFN - UniFI Tecnologie Avanzate srl (To) Radius srl (Bo)  PartATTAC Studio del PARTicolato ATmosferico con Tecniche Avanzate di Campionamento e analisi della Composizione chimica 1- Scienze della vita INFN – CNR (Ibimet)- UniFI TCR Tecora srl (Mi) Technologies for Quality srl (Ge) POR CRO FSE Asse IV – Capitale Umano

Cultural Heritage F. Léger ( ) “Contrastes de formes” Can_L=129.05±0.68 pMC Forgery of contemporary artworks

thank you!

Bomb Peak Oak Zancona – Arcidosso -Amiata

14C - Calibration OxCal