CE 360Dr SaMeH1 Environmental Eng. 1 (CE 360) Associate Professor of Environmental Eng. Civil Engineering Department Engineering College Majma’ah University faculty.mu.edu.sa/smohamed/SaMeH 2016/1 Dr. Sameh S. Ahmed
CE 360Dr SaMeH2 Chapter 2 Environmental Problems
Definition (1): Any condition or substance resulting from human activity that affects the quality of the environment. Definition (2): Environmental pollution is the unfavorable alteration of our surroundings, resulting largely or wholly as a by- product of man’s actions. CE 360Dr SaMeH3 Environmental Pollution
CE 360Dr SaMeH4 The environmental problems can be classified as: (1)Local and immediate problems, such as water pollution arising out of municipal or industrial wastes, air pollution due to auto-mobiles and industries, noise pollution, etc. (2) Regional problems, both immediate and long term such as acid rain, dumping, and poisoning of the environment by toxic wastes, deforestation, soil erosion, destruction of habitat, etc. (3) Global environmental problems, like green houses effect, ozone layer depletion, etc. Environmental Problems
CE 360Dr SaMeH5 Exchanges and Interactions of Pollutants Air Water Rain Gravity Co-production Septic gasses Changing in (plant life) Absorption Inhabitation phytoplankton Disposal of Water Contamination Disposal of Air Pollution
CE 360Dr SaMeH6 Exchanges and Interactions of Pollutants Air Land Rain Gravity Decomposition Entrainment Reaction Disposal of Solid Waste Disposal of Air Contaminants
CE 360Dr SaMeH7 Exchanges and Interactions of Pollutants Water Land Incorporation into sediments Acid mine drainage Leaching Disposal of Solid Waste Disposal of Water Contamination
1. Applicable to all emissions (i)Decrease or eliminate production of emissions Change specifications of product Change the design of product Change process temperature, pressure or cycle Change specifications of materials Change the product CE 360Dr SaMeH8 2.3 Pollution Control Methods
1. Applicable to all emissions (ii) Confine the emissions –Enclose the sources of emissions –Capture the emission in an industrial exhaust system –Prevent drafts (iii) Separate the contaminant from effluent gas –Scrub with liquid CE 360Dr SaMeH9 Pollution Control Methods (cont.)
2.Applicable specifically to Particulate Emissions (i)Decrease or eliminate particulate of emissions – Change from solid to liquid or gaseous material –Change from dry to wet solid material –Change particle size of solid material –Change to process that does not require particulate material CE 360Dr SaMeH Pollution Control Methods
2.Applicable specifically to Particulate Emissions (ii) Separate the contaminant from effluent gas stream –Gravity separator –Centrifugal separator –Filter –Electrostatic precipitators CE 360Dr SaMeH11 Pollution Control Methods (cont.)
3. Applicable Only to Gaseous Emissions (i)Decrease or eliminate gas or vapor production Change to process that does not require annealing, baking, boiling, burning, casting, cooking, dehydrating, dipping, distilling, expelling, melting, pickling, plating, reduction, roasting, smelting, etc. Change from liquid or gaseous to solid material Change to process that does not require liquid or gaseous material CE 360Dr SaMeH Pollution Control Methods
CE 360 Dr SaMeH 13 Annealing Casting Roasting
Incinerator (ii) Burn the contaminant to CO 2 and H 2 O Incinerator Catalytic burner CE 360Dr SaMeH14 Pollution Control Methods (cont.) 3. Applicable only to Gaseous Emissions
3. Applicable Only to Gaseous Emissions (iii) Adsorb the contaminant Activated carbon increase the surface area available for adsorption or chemical reactions CE 360Dr SaMeH Pollution Control Methods
The two methods expressing the concentration of a constituent of a liquid or gas are: Mass/volume: the mass of solute per unit volume of solution (in water chemistry). This is similar to weight per unit volume; typically mg/L = ppm (parts per million). Mass/mass or weight/weight : the mass of a solute in a given mass of solution; typically mg/kg or ppm (parts per million). CE 360Dr SaMeH Methods of Expressing Concentration