Overview of MyAccountingLab [MAL] as a Homework Management Tool for AMIS 3300 Spring Semester 2016
How to Learn Management Accounting class attendance textbook reading and participation and study work textbook homework problems comprehension
A Changing Resource Environment The course textbook, until recently, was a single-source, hardbound product. Grading homework was a paper-based, labor- intensive process. Today, textbook source and form options are abundant and on-line homework tools exist.
Motivating Homework Suggested homework is often ignored by students with negative learning results. Graded homework is usually worked by students but, if paper based, has significant disadvantages: –Quality issues [paper, legibility] –Grading fairness for different solution presentations –Correct answer feedback only after due date –Copying of another student’s work easily possible
Understanding MAL MAL is a textbook-specific tool for student learning by working textbook problems. It is priced by the publisher in a very attractive bundle with the textbook. This presentation will cover the following points: MAL used as the basis for homework has advantages for both the student and the instructor. There are concepts that, if understood, make working in MAL more efficient. Registration and Login orientation is useful to provide an overview of the process for first time users of MAL. An example is to help you understand the use of MAL features.
MAL Homework Advantages Graded homework, if on-line based, has significant advantages: –No quality issues [no paper, 100% legibility] –Grading fairness using template-based solution presentation –Correct answer feedback as the problem is worked –Each student has a unique version of the problem rendering solution sharing impossible –Record of work done for grade credit
MAL Homework Concepts: Assigned Homework Items Availability In AMIS 3300, each chapter has two groups of homework assigned. The recommended group is not counted toward the course grade; the graded group is. However, note that both recommended and graded groups are important for learning The recommended group is available until the course ends. The graded group is available for graded performance in a time window. This time window is chapter specific and can be found in the Homework section of the course web site. Specifically, the time window is detailed in the Module 1, 2, 3 and 4 Homework Plans shown in the web site.
MAL Homework Concepts: Assigned Homework Items Availability (cont) The graded group is available for inspection after the end of the available time window until the end of the course by using the results tab but only if the homework assignment was activated by opening one of the items in the assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to activate assignments to enable review during the quarter. Please note that if you do not activate this homework, you will lose access to it for the remainder of the semester.
MAL Homework Concepts: Types of Homework Items “Static” version of a homework assignment is the textbook version of the homework problem. The recommended homework items will be the static version. “Similar to” version of a homework assignment is like the textbook version of the homework problem but with different numeric facts. The graded homework will be the “similar to” version. Each student gets a different set of numeric values.
MAL Homework Concepts: A Hierarchy of Terminology –A homework assignment corresponds to a textbook chapter. –A chapter homework assignment consists of several items [exercises, problems] from the end of the chapter textbook material. –Within a homework item are several units; each unit usually has several response boxes for the answers to a problem requirement; when some or all response boxes in the unit are filled, the “check answer” button is activated ; three attempts [if needed] are available for answer checking of a unit before the unit is graded and the next unit is available; skipping ahead is not allowed. –For graded homework, after the last unit of an item is completed for the first attempt, a second attempt at a new version of the item is allowed. After the second attempt is completed, the item is not available for further graded work. For recommended homework, the attempts are unlimited in number but the item is the same each time. For recommended homework a “try again” button appears.
MAL Registration [the first time MAL is accessed, registration is required]
MAL Registration [before using MAL to submit homework assignments, registration is necessary]
Create an Account
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Purchase Paper Text or eText
Purchase Paper Text
MAL Registration [the first time MAL is accessed, registration is required]
MAL Sign In [each time MAL is accessed, sign in is required]
MAL AMIS 3300 Homepage
Important MAL Functionality Do Homework Results [review homework] Calendar
Important MAL Functionality Do Homework
Important MAL Functionality Review Results
Important MAL Functionality Calendar
MAL Homework Example For class illustration of MAL as a homework tool, the following example, Textbook exercise 3-21, Chapter 3, page 95, will be used. the homework assignment is called “Demonstration Homework” consisting of two items – a “static” version of exercise 3-21 and a “similar to” version of exercise 3-21.
Exercise Solution Fixed cost = $48,200 + $68,000 + $13,000 = $129,200 Contribution margin per unit (cmu) = $27,000 - $23,000 - $600 = $3,400 Breakeven quantity = $129,200 / $3,400 = 38 [TNI is target net income; TOI is target operating income] TOI = TNI / (1 – tax rate) = $51,000 / (1 -.4) = $85,000 (F + TOI) / cmu = ($129,200 + $85,000) / $3,400 = 63
Hints for Homework Success The following behaviors are recommended to maximize your learning and course performance on graded homework: –Immediately begin using MAL to learn how it works using the demonstration homework assignment –Work well ahead of the end of the time window for graded homework. –Always activate a graded homework assignment so that later review is possible. –Read and solve (on paper) your unique “similar to” version of the problem as a starting point, then use the MAL template to report the answer.
Registration and Login Information An was sent to inform you about course resource requirements and acquisition options. The is available for viewing from the course web site “Homework” page. This PowerPoint presentation is also available from the same web page.