WHO AM I? Married for 22 years to my high school sweetheart, Heather Two children – Morgan; 21, married with a daughter, Skylar. Dylan; 14, a total sports nut!
ACCOMPLISHMENTS Retired from the United States Navy after 16 years of service. Completed my bachelor’s degree in Organizational Management at Ashford. Also, recently completed my first Master’s degree in OM, also at Ashford. Pursuing my second Master’s in education to fulfill my dream of being an educator.
MY INTERESTS Sports and coaching I currently coach football, wrestling, and boy’s track and field at the Junior High School level. My passion is football at all levels and my family and I are ravenous Pittsburgh Steelers fans! Mentoring youth to be the best that they can be I love being involved with the young men that I coach and watching them grow and mature both athletically and academically Outdoor activities We love going to the beach, hiking, and camping. Someday we would like to own an RV to do some serious travelling!
Let’s Go steelers!
MY EDUCATION GROWING UP I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the same public school district for the entire time I was in school, K-12. I graduated from Norwin Senior High School in The classes were a traditional style with class size ranging from 20 to 30 students per class. Not much technology was used as the PC was just coming into its own. I learned basic programming on an Apple IIe (Yes, I am old!) My favorite classes were History, Social Studies, English Composition, and Literature. I also learned very early that the teacher has a great deal of influence on how interesting the subject is. This had the greatest impact on me and helped me to shape my career in the Navy as I was an instructor for 6 years. A great teacher can make even the most mundane of subjects fun and interesting.
MY FUTURE GOALS I Recently took a state exam to become a teacher in Florida. I will get the results late on Tuesday the 24 th. If I passed, than I have a job lined up to teach technology education to 7 th and 8 th graders. The role in this job is to guide student thinking in applying modern technology to everyday life and develop problem solving skills. I am very excited and crossing my fingers that I passed the exam! My ultimate career goals are two-fold. I would like to break into the administration aspect of education as a principal or other school leader. However, I would also love to be an athletic director at the junior high or high school level. Either career path would make me very happy. I feel that by having a Master’s in both management and education will give me the skillsets necessary to carry out the duties of either of the above-mentioned careers.
Let’s Go steelers!
MY FAVORITE QUOTES My absolute favorite quote is a variation of a quote by Theodore Roosevelt. “A kid doesn’t care how much you know, until he knows how much you care” This was a philosophy that a football coach that I studied under lived by and I feel that it embodies everything in life, be it sports or academics. However, I also like a quote by a man that I feel was a great leader and a man – Abraham Lincoln. “No man stands so tall as when he stoops to help a child”
CLOSING I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about me. I look forward to learning and working with each of you throughout the next six weeks as we embark on this journey to becoming future educators. Good luck! Oh, and in case you missed it……
Let’s Go steelers!