以故事及線上閱讀測驗挑 戰高學習成就者 報告者 : 陳易瑾 指導老師 : 陳昭儀教授
Background and Motivation Large multilevel classes Bipolarized English scores Higher-level students get bored The teacher got frustrated
Problem analysis Higher-level students don ’ t feel challenged with teacher ’ s low teaching pace. Higher-level students are tired of the drills. More than half of the students have learned the teaching contents at cram schools.
Purposes of this Study To find a solution to my teaching dilemma To utilize Web-based instruction into the English teaching and offer as an example for others.
Research Questions 1. What are the past learning experiences of the gifted students (students with higher proficiency) in my class? 2. What difficulties did these high English achievers encounter in my class? 3. What are high English achievers ’ attitudes toward reading English stories before and after the reading program? 4. What are the high English achievers ’ attitudes toward joining the online learning community IWiLL before and after the reading program?
Definition of Key Terms High English Achievers : students whose scores in the midterm exams stood within the top 33%. Web-enhanced Instruction (WEI): the online learning tools and with face-to-face interaction in the traditional classroom.
Literature Review- General Reading Instruction Some Bottom-up activities to assist students to comprehend ex. 1. offer students words list 2. offer students translation Some top-down activities to encourage students to think ex. 1. look at the pictures before reading 2. predict what will happen next 3. Teacher think aloud
Literature Review Reading Program for High English Achievers Select rich and rigorous reading materials. Foster the development of reasoning abilities. Heighten students ’ awareness and appreciation of cultural diversity. Use collaborative and inquiry-oriented learning techniques. Develop authentic assessment strategies.
Literature Review Benefits of E-Learning ‧ E-learning facilitates student- centered learning ‧ E-learning facilitates anytime- anyplace learning ‧ E-learning makes course administration easier ‧ E-learning helps track students ’ time on task
Literature Review Findings from Previous Studies 1. develop the writing skills through online essay 2.improve the communication skills through online discussion 3.provide greater learner autonomy 4. be actively involved in the learning process responsible for their own (From 2006~2009)
Methodology Participants and Subjects Participants: Two Multilevel big classes Research Subjects: 20 High English Achievers. Teaching Duration: 6 weeks
Methodology ASUURE Teaching Model 1. A -analyze learner 2. S -state objectives 3. S -select medias and materials: 4. U -utilize materials 5. R -request learner participation 6. E -evaluation/ revise (Molenda, Heinich and Russet)
Reading Materials The genre appeals to teens Boys like detective stories: Newspaper boy Girls like romance: Anne of Green Gables (coming-of-age novel, juvenile literature)
Teaching Procedure Lead students to read two books and teach them the extensive reading skills. Show students how to use the online learning community “ IWiLL ” to do the comprehension check.
Activities for Newspaper Boy Pre-Reading According to the title/book cover, guess what kind of story it would be. □ a love story □ a fable □ a mythology □ a detective story During-Reading Background information: Who, What, How –Who was the hero of the story? –What kind of problem happened to him/her? –How did he/her solve the problem? Post-Reading 1. Discussion: What would you do if you were the newspaper boy? 2. Draw a cover for your copy
Results and Conclusion Past Learning Experience 1.100% students learned English from first grade in the elementary school % students learned English at cram school or with a tutor. 3.All students have read English stories.
Results and Conclusion Present Learning Situation Almost all students go to cram school. 95%students think the textbook is not difficult. 30% feel bored in my class. 70% students are willing to read stories.
Results: Students hold positive attitude 70 % students got a sense of achievement after finishing the web-based test. 80% students agreed that the web-based test is more interesting than the traditional test. 80% students agreed IWiLL is a web that helps them learn English