7 task statements$6 M Proposals due November Fuels mapping for emissions inventories 2. Smoke hazard warning system 3. Implications of changing fuels and fire regimes (Alaska, California, Great Basin, Southeast, and Southwest) 4. Fire ember production 5. Fire effects on soil heating 6. Fire weather and decision making: a social and modelling analysis 7. Re-measurement: long-term fire effects on vegetation and fuels
3. Implications of changing fuels and fire regimes (Alaska, California, Great Basin, Southeast, and Southwest) landscapes where ecosystem changes are most evident and where wildfire risk is also escalating evaluate alternative future scenarios of ecosystem change to estimate indicators of changes in fuels and fire regimes identification of potential tipping points beyond which attainment of certain management objectives is unlikely synthesize current scientific understanding to estimate likely changes and trends over the next 20 years in fuels and fire regimes, and to forecast potential implications for management programs
6. Fire weather and decision making: a social and modelling analysis Decision-making - What weather information is used directly or indirectly in fire and fuels management decisions? What is the relative importance of weather information to decision-making? Are there weather information thresholds or tipping points that strongly influence fire and fuels management decisions? Sensitivity analysis – How important or sensitive are the outputs from fire danger, fire behavior and smoke dispersion models to input weather data resolution? What changes in weather values result in the greatest impact to fire danger and fire behavior outputs?
7. Re-measurement: long-term fire effects on vegetation and fuels re-measure existing long-term (15 or more years post-fire) field studies of wildfire or prescribed fire effects on vegetation and fuels Questions How do successional patterns vary temporally and spatially? How has climate change affected successional patterns? How have fires affected achievement of ecosystem restoration objectives?
Graduate student funding$150K Proposals due November awards of $25K Climate change and fire (e.g., fire behavior, fire effects, fire regime) Post-fire recovery (e.g., effects of burn severity, treatment effectiveness) Smoke or emissions assessments Fire weather Social issues and fire (e.g., community preparation, transfer and use of science, public perceptions, fire-adapted communities)
AFSC can help with science delivery plans, management input, and letters of support: Draft proposal by November 7 October 9, 2014
CONTACT US: Alison Randi October 9, 2014