CARPE DIEM 4 th meeting Critical Assessment of available Radar Precipitation Estimation techniques and Development of Innovative approaches for Environmental Management
CARPE DIEM 4 th meeting Status of the project Present the result of first half of the project to the TSC and to Daniel Sempere Torres 1st workshop with the end-user 18 months Management Report
CARPE DIEM 4 th meeting
WPTopicList of project deliverables from the beginning up to now Partners involved WP 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENTAdministrative matters Financial situation Joint workshop MUSIC-CARPE DIEM Set-up Technical Steering Committee Report of the Kick-off meeting st TSC report 1 – all CARPE DIEM partners WP 2 DOPPLER WINDSDefinition of the data sets, implementation of algorithms, commencement of data set generation. Data quality assessment. Definition of multiple Doppler possibility. Report on improvement of single Doppler wind field retrieval when assumption of uniform wind field over the radar fails Super-observation dataset Maps of the partner 1 region detailing those areas accessible to dual- Doppler analyses, and any accessible to three Doppler radars Multiple Doppler dataset 4, 6, 1,3 WP 3 – DATA ASSIMILATION Overview for software modules to be applied for assimilation of radar and satellite data. Descriptions for ingestion of satellite and radar data. Description of observation operators, including tangent-linear and adjoint versions, for radar radial winds in 3D-Var. Results from first tests using simulated data in 3D-Var Implementation of the observation operators for radar radial winds in 4D-Var No deliverables up to 24th months 4, 5, 7
CARPE DIEM 4 th meeting WPTopicList of project deliverables from the beginning up to now Partners involved WP 4 – ASSESSMENT OF NWP MODEL UNCERTAINTY INCLUDING MODELS ERRORS Software modules for ML/SKF approach4.1 - Software modules for ML/SKF approach 2, 4, 7 WP 5 – ASSESSMENT OF IMPROVEMENTS IN NWP MAP cases - Analysis of severe weather situations Analysis of severe weather situations Set-up of VSRF procedure 1, 8 WP 6 – ANOMALOUS PROPAGATION Implementation of fast Hybrid Parabolic Equation model; Incorporation of terrain elevation data Advancing in ANAPROP modelling 6.1 PC-based application producing predicted images of terrain or sea clutter caused by anaprop effects based on mesoscale NWP model products 6, 7 WP 7 – ADVANCED SURFACE RADAR-BASED RAINFALL ESTIMATE APPLYING NWP MODEL DATA VPR Correction in a radar Network Status of activities Improvement of radar derived surface precipitation using integrated VRP correction from a radar network and from a NWP model 5
CARPE DIEM 4 th meeting WPTopicList of project deliverables from the beginning up to now Partners involved WP 8 – USE OF POLARIMETRIC RADAR DATA FOR IMPROVE THE RADAR RAIN ESTIMATE Report on polarimetric measurement Use DP to establish uncertainty in rainfall estimates due to variations in Z-R for different spatial and temporal scales of model input Status of activities Critical review of present state of the art multi-polarisation rainfall estimation techniques Climatology of variations in Z-R at different spatial and temporal scales of model input obtained by DP method 6, 4 WP 9 – ASSESSMENT OF THE BIAS, SPATIAL PATTERN AND TEMPORAL VARIABILITY OF ERRORS IN THE DIFFERENT SOURCES OF AREAL PRECIPITATION ESTIMATES Status of activities Comparison of precipitation estimates with mesoscale analysis, stochastic model and Kriging Delivery of a report on precipitation estimate assessment Comparison of precipitation estimates with mesoscale analysis and stochastic model 4, 2, 8, 9 WP 10 – OPTIMAL USE OF RADAR, NWP AND RAINGAUGE DATA IN PRECIPITATION FORECASTS FOR IMPROVING FLOOD FORECASTS IN URBAN AND RURAL CATCHMENTS Status of activitiesNo deliverables up to 24th months 9, 1, 2, 4 WP 11 – END-USERS’ LEVEL-OF SERVICE REQUIREMENTS End users requirements Updating of End-Users assessment Basic End-Users requirements End-Users Assessment document 9, 1, 4, 5, 7 WP 12 – PROJECT RESULTS DISSEMINATION WEB Dissemination status Web site Workshops 7, 1, 2,3,4,5,6,8,9
CARPE DIEM 4 th meeting To be send to the Commission within two months of the end reporting period. Proposed time schedule each area coordinator should send a short report (1-2 pages), to be inserted in the executive summary, before the end of jun. each partner should send the information for planned/used man-months and financial resources before the first week of jul. I will collect all contributions and send a draft of the report by the middle of jul. Time for comments/modifications up to end of july. Send report to the Commission 18 th months Management Report
CARPE DIEM 4 th meeting