17-21 April 09 AAP - Tsukuba Global Design Effort 1 First Results of Geological Investigations of Dubna Siting of Dubna Siting Status of the ILC activity at JINR G.Shirkov
2 Miakishevo Hrabrovo GSPI has performed geophysical investigations in 35 points (in red) including three drillings of chinks of 47 m, 43 m and 36 m depth. The probes of soils had been analyzed. The power of loan are 27.5 m (2.0 m – 29.5 m) and 37.4 m (8.1 m – 45.5 m) correspondently. Geophysical investigations with a series of seismic and electrical investigations have been performed as well. Geological investigations of GSPI in the Taldom region in October 2008
3 Drilling 1 Drilling 2 Drilling 3 Space views of drillings # 1, 2 и 3 (October 2008)
G.Shirkov, TILC09, Tsukuba, 20 April, 2009 Results of first geological investigations of Dubna siting 1. Introduction 2. Previous studies of the engineering-geological conditions of the region 3. Natural conditions of the region 3.1. Climatic feature of the region 3.2. Physiographic and technogenic conditions 3.3. Seismic conditions 3.4. The geological structure of the territory 3.5. Hydro-geological conditions of the territory 4. Engineering-geological conditions along the collider line 4.1. Physiographic and technogenic conditions 4.2. Geological structure 4.3. Hydro-geological conditions 4.4. Properties of the soils Laboratory methods for soils physical-mechanical properties investigation Field methods for soils speed properties investigation Physical-mechanical properties of the soils Specific properties of the soils
G.Shirkov, TILC09, Tsukuba, 20 April, Results of first geological investigations of Dubna siting 5. Geologic and engineering-geological processes 5.1. Endogenic geological processes 5.2. Exogenic geological processes 5.3. Engineering-geological processes 6. Conclusion 7. Metrological maintenance of the executed operations 8. The list of the used materials 9. Appendixes Letter-task, 1 page. VES points catalogue, 1 page. The table of the soils physical-mechanical properties, 3 pages. The table of statistical processing results of laboratory definitions of soils characteristics by engineering-geological elements, 5 pages. Results of water chemical analysis, 10 pages. Results of soils chemical analysis, 19 pages. The plan of a location of geologic developments, geophysical profiles and VES points, 1 page. Geophysical section, 1 page. A geologic column with results of gamma logging and thermometry, 3 pages. Results of definition of strength and deformation properties of the soils, 41 pages VES curves, 6 pages. Methods and gauges, 5 pages
17-21 April 09 AAP - Tsukuba Global Design Effort 6
17-21 April 09 AAP - Tsukuba Global Design Effort 7 Barry Barish AAP Review - Tsukuba April 09 Global Design Effort Overview ATF-2 Final Doublet System
17-21 April 09 AAP - Tsukuba Global Design Effort 8 RDR – The Starting Point Reference Design Report (4 volumes) Executive Summary Physics at the ILC Accelerator Detectors
17-21 April 09 AAP - Tsukuba Global Design Effort 9 RDR Author List Asia 476 Americas 544 Europe TOTAL 1797
17-21 April 09 AAP - Tsukuba Global Design Effort 10 RDR Design Parameters Max. Center-of-mass energy500GeV Peak Luminosity~2x /cm 2 s Beam Current9.0mA Repetition rate5Hz Average accelerating gradient31.5MV/m Beam pulse length0.95ms Total Site Length31km Total AC Power Consumption~230MW
17-21 April 09 AAP - Tsukuba Global Design Effort 11 Project Advisory Committee (PAC) SCRF -ML G-CFS AS EU AM AS ILCSCFALC ILC-GDE Director Regional Directors Project Managers AAP PAC FALC-RG Director’s Office = ~ Central Team = ~ EC Experts Project. M. Office - EDMS - Cost Manage. G. - Scheduling - Communications - Detector Groups, - ILC, XFEL, Project X Project. M. Office - EDMS - Cost & Schedule - Machine Detector Interface - ILC, XFEL, Project X liaison - ILC Communications
17-21 April 09 AAP - Tsukuba Global Design Effort 12 ILCSC - PAC Mandate ILC Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Mandate –1. The International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC) is responsible for the oversight of the Global Design Effort (GDE) activities and of the ILC experimental program. –2. PAC will assist ILCSC in this function and report to the ILCSC. –3. PAC will review the GDE accelerator activities and, in addition, the ILC detector activities. –4. In its review activity, PAC will examine the overall consistency and realism of the project, in relation to physics, technical design, cost, and schedule. –5. PAC shall comprise about nine members, appointed by the ILCSC for terms of two or three years, and will meet a few times per year until the completion of the Technical Design Phases I and II. –6. The PAC Chair will be appointed by the ILCSC, normally for a two-year term.
17-21 April 09 AAP - Tsukuba Global Design Effort 13 Our Plan with goals and dates Basic time-scale –Phase 1: July 2010 Paris meeting already scheduled –Phase 2: end of CY 2012 Not previously well-defined Fits with current SCRF planning with some exceptions (S2, positrons?) Encapsulates the PMs strategy and vision for the next four years –Critical R&D –Cost reduction / machine design –Project Implementation Plan
17-21 April 09 AAP - Tsukuba Global Design Effort 14 Design / Cost Reduction / PIP Primary deliverables: -Interim report end of TDP-1 -TDR documentation end of TDP-2 Primary deliverables: -Interim report end of TDP-1 -TDR documentation end of TDP-2
17-21 April 09 AAP - Tsukuba Global Design Effort 15 SCRF Major Goals
17-21 April 09 AAP - Tsukuba Global Design Effort 16 CLIC / ILC Collaboration Working Groups with joint leadership Accelerator Tech Areas Physics / Detectors Costing First progress reported last fall
17-21 April 09 AAP - Tsukuba Global Design Effort 17 Context CLIC – ILC Collaboration has two basic purposes: 1.allow a more efficient use of resources, especially engineers –CFS / CES –Beamline components (magnets, instrumentation…) 2.promote communication between the two project teams. –Comparative discussions and presentations will occur –Good understanding of each other’s technical issues is necessary –Communication network – at several levels – supports it seven working groups which are led by conveners from both projects
17-21 April 09 AAP - Tsukuba Global Design Effort 18 Main Linac & Support Tunnel RDR (two-tunnel) –Access to equipment during ops Reliability/availability Shallow sites –Cut and cover like solutions –“service tunnel” on the surface Single tunnel –European XFEL-like solution availability / reliability 18
17-21 April 09 AAP - Tsukuba Global Design Effort 19 The ILC SCRF Cavity - Achieve high gradient (35MV/m); develop multiple vendors; make cost effective, etc - Focus is on high gradient; production yields; cryogenic losses; radiation; system performance
17-21 April 09 AAP - Tsukuba Global Design Effort 20 S1 Global Tests Cavity integration and the String Test globally organized with tests to be done at KEK STF facilityCavity integration and the String Test globally organized with tests to be done at KEK STF facility –2 cavities from DESY and Fermilab –4 cavities from KEK –Each half-cryomoducle from INFN and KEK
17-21 April 09 AAP - Tsukuba Global Design Effort 21 Global R&D Plan Consensus in SCRF-TA 21 Calender Year Technical Design Phase TDP-1TDP-2 Cavity Gradient R&D to reach 35 MV/m Process Yield > 50% Production Yield >90% Cavity-string test: with 1 cryomodule Global collab. System Test with beam 1 RF-unit (3-modulce) FLASH (DESY) STF2 (KEK) NML (FNAL) ?