ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 WP 2 Jana Klánová RECETOX, Masaryk University Czech Republic
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 The main objective is to design, implement and process the necessary steps for lunching the joint transnational call for proposals Objectives
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 Task 2.1 Preparation of the overall strategy (MU + SC) This task will seek with the definition of the overall strategy based on analysis of current situation and gaps related to four strands, a newly released GEO work plan, and Copernicus assessment. The Steering Committee will strongly support this activity Task 2.2 Co-funded Call definition and publication (MU) Launching of the project call and providing templates for the project proposals. Task 2.3 Launching of the Cal l(MU) Publish the Co-funded Call on the agreed starting date and make use of a dedicated help-line to assist potential applicants in their proposal submission, as well as an on- line FAQ document. During the whole submission process, proper maintenance of the submission system will be ensured to ensure its continuous operability. Tasks
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 The ERA-PLANET call for proposals for the 4 thematic strands - submitted in advance to Commission for approval at least 30 days before publication - will be launched during the first quarter of 2016 in order to have all selected projects completed by The call will remain open for at least 60 days. All projects should be designed to support the implementation of the GEO work plan, achieve a better coordination of the national contributions, and setting linkages with existing related Joint Programming Initiatives. The call will include compulsory activities that have to be included in the proposals (i.e., Key-Enabling Technologies to be adopted and implemented).
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 D2.1 Initial report of the Steering Committee: overall strategy, structure and schedule of the project call (MU, month 2) D2.2 Call text and Guidelines for applicants (MU, month 3) All Call documents along with the Guidelines will be prepared to ease proposal preparation and submission. D2.3 Report on monitoring and follow-up the proposal submission (MU, month 12) Deliverables
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 Thank you for your attention