By: Casey Crawford
- Foundation in chemistry, biology, physics, and math - General chemistry I and II and lab for science majors (8 credit hours) - Organic chemistry I and II and lab (8 credit hours) - Biology I and II for science majors (4-8 credit hours) - Physics I and II for science majors and lab (8 credit hours) - Calculus (3 credit hours) - Statistics for science majors (3 credit hours)
- Criminalistics - Forensic Engineering - Forensic Pathology - Forensic Psychology & Psychiatry - Document Examiners - Forensic toxicology - Anthropology - Odontology - Etc.
Analyzing, comparing, identifying, and interpreting items that may help solve a crime. They apply techniques from the physical and natural sciences to the examination of physical evidence. They must be able to communicate effectively technical details and scientific findings to non-specialist members of the law enforcement community. Job opportunities: Range from labs in police departments to federal agencies such as FBI, DEA, ATF&E, DOJ, USPS, SS, and CIA.
Forensic Engineers apply principles of engineering to resolve legal issues, primarily in civil cases. Job opportunities: Most forensic engineers are self employed or employed by small firms. Some may hold a full time job in another field and perform forensic services part time.
These people perform autopsies to determine the causes of an individuals death and the circumstances surrounding the death. They help public health officials recognize and control epidemic diseases. They study patterns of injury in living people to help law investigations into crimes such as child and elder abuse. Job Opportunities: Although some federal government agencies employ forensic pathologists (CDC, AFIP), most are employed by city, county, or state medical examiners’ offices and hospitals.
Deal with issues of human behavior and mental illness as they relate to matters of civil and criminal law. They determine whether or not a defendant might be innocent by reason of mental illness or defect. Forensic psychology includes psychological evaluation and expert testimony regarding such criminal forensic issues as trial competency and forensic behavioral analysis. Job Opportunities: Can work for private practice, by hospitals, or by city, county, state, or federal; often prison or hospital setting.
Analyzing questioned documents and related material, such as ink, paper, toner from a copier or fax, and computer printers. Detecting forged documents and counterfeit currency is a large part of the document examiners work. Job Opportunities: Often consultants work in private practice, but may work in state or federal police organizations.
Deal with the effects of drugs and chemicals on the human body and the application of that knowledge to questions of law. Job Opportunities: Work in police labs, medical offices, and drug testing labs.
Determine whether recovered bones are human or animal. If the bones are human they work to identify the individual. Job Opportunities: Most work at labs at major institutions or universities.
Use dental evidence to identify bodies. They analyze bite marks to find blood or saliva that contain DNA. Job Opportunities: Most are engaged in private dental practice.