(Part 1)
Before we get started… Why Facebook? Built in Audience ○ 800 Million users as of July 1 st 2011 ○ Users “share” applications with each other, provides viral word of mouth
Before we get started… Why Facebook? Contained Ecosystem ○ Home to many startup companies like Zynga (valued at billion US dollars) But you don’t need a large company to be successful! ○ y/08class.html y/08class.html
Before we get started… While you work on your app… We need volunteers ○ Install a Lemur toolbar plugin for IE or Firefox that will record your searches ○ Submit your search log anonymously The search logs to help build a better search engine for business task based searches We will thank you with CA$H! Your grade will in NO WAY be affected by your search log!
Before we get started… Lemur Tool Bar
Before we get started… Lemur Tool Bar
Before we get started The Search Log
Before we get started The Activity Log
Getting Started Before we continue: You need a “verify” your account with facebook ○ Can verify with either your mobile phone (already verified if you use facebook mobile) What if I don’t have a mobile number? Google voice can provide one ○
Creating Your App Step 1: sign up to be a developer:
Creating Your App Facebook developers lets you create several different types of apps
Creating Your App Choose your app name
Creating Your App The app main page
Hosting Your App Choose cloud services
Hosting Your App Choose cloud services
Hosting Your App Select a language for your App
Hosting Your App Your app has been created!
What is Heroku? Heroku is a cloud hosting software “Cloud computing” refers to a managed service that provides access to computation power. ○ It’s elastic, sold on demand, and managed. Heroku is free! Up to 5 MB of storage and 750 hours of computation time
Getting started with Heroku Check for an from Heroku
Getting started with Heroku Set up your account
Getting started with Heroku Your Apps page
Getting started with Heroku Download the toolbar
Getting started with Heroku
Get a copy of your App Code
Important Tips If you are on Windows Don’t use Word/Word Pad to edit the documents! ○ It will append extra characters that make the file not readable on UNIX (which is what horuku is using) Instead use notepad if you don’t have a designated code editor (like eclipse, emacs, etc)
Let’s make a small change! Open index.php
Let’s make a small change! Find “Welcome to your facebook app”
Let’s make a small change! Change the line, and save the file
Push the change back to the cloud Commit the change This saves the change so if you download your app source code, you will see the modified code.
Push the change back to the cloud Deploy the changed code to your app
Your App To view your app you must set up permissions
That’s it! You have edited your app!
That’s all for part 1! Questions? Need Help? Feel free to Handy Resources