Movement Preparation Lynn’s Class
- Set up cones so that they are at either end of the gym (length of basketball court - Students begin by laying on their stomachs beside one another - Decide which students acts and the other reacts. On the teachers cue, one student acts jumping up to sprint and the other reacts, trying to catch them.. Reaction Sprint Beginner Challenge -3 reps -6 to 8 reps -Have one student start 3 meters ahead Lynn’s Class
- Using width of gym, students get in the squat position (knees bent, not out over the toes) - Students jump from squat position and land - Students proceed, taking 3 steps and perform another, until reach other side. Beginner Challenge -Start slow, take 6 steps in between jumps -High intensity -1 step in between Lynn’s Class
- Using width of gym use a 2 step sequence: right foot crosses the left, left foot comes out, then, left crosses right, right foot comes out. This is known as a forward cross over. Forward Cross Over Beginner Challenge -Key to learn technique -Start slow -Backward crossover -Add ladder Lynn’s Class
- Using width of gym, students jump straight up bringing one knee up while extending the other. - Repeat using the opposite leg, aiming for 8 to 10 jumps Knees to Sky Jumps Beginner Challenge jumps -Start slow -15 jumps, high intensity Lynn’s Class