Social Media Marysia Morkis Communications Manager NHS Lanarkshire
Why social media? Communications survey Increasing requests New way to engage Changing media - 12m buy a newspaper; 7m use Twitter Free
What did we do? Research Chose a pilot period Facebook, Twitter Clear it was to complement existing methods – not replace them Promoted it
Benefits Instant updates Flexibility for updates Interactive Signpost to a range of content Future potential
Challenges Requires management of content Time Loss of control Technology Already behind the times Lack of contributors
Statistics and surprises 500+ followers so far on Facebook on Twitter Regular interaction – especially Breastfeeding page Mainly positive comments – so far! PPF development Helping to promote others’ services
Impact Now integral to all communications strategies Developing more creative content – video and audio clips Directs more traffic to our website Informing staff
What works for us (and what doesn’t!) Photographs on Facebook Following others and interacting Regular updates Personal touch Tap into existing ‘communities’ (LBI) Signposting Managing your pages and comments
Next steps Evaluation and proposals for future development Discussion forums/surveys – engagement process More direct/clinical engagement Roll out to services – requires advice training