Environmental problems подготовила: Дигурова Тамара Петровна Environmental problems подготовила: Дигурова Тамара Петровна
Ход урока: Dear friends! You are welcome at our conference Dear friends! You are welcome at our conference We will decide what can save the Earth.
Методическая разработка Урок 46.Конференция по проблемам окружающей среды. Биболетова М.З.” Enjoy English” 8 класс
Цель: активизация,пройденной лексики и грамматики в речи. Цель: активизация,пройденной лексики и грамматики в речи.
Work in pairs. Find English equivalents: Work in pairs. Find English equivalents: Загрязнять воздух Решение Кислотный дождь Медленно разрушает Использовать энергию Прекратить убивать НасекомыеЗащищать Уровень загрязнения Ядерная энергия Земля в опасности Убивать самих себя
Complete these word-building tables NounsVerbs NounsAdjectives WasteEcology ProtectEnvironment DestroyChemical PollutionDanger Damage Natural Development Nation
Complete these word-building tables NounsVerbs NounsAdjectives Waste Ecology ProtectEnvironment DestroyChemical PollutionDanger Damage Natural Development Nation
Complete these word-building tables NounsVerbs NounsAdjectives Waste Ecology ProtectionProtectEnvironment DestroyChemical PollutionDanger Damage Natural Development Nation
Complete these word-building tables NounsVerbs NounsAdjectives Waste Ecology ProtectionProtectEnvironment DestructionDestroyChemical PollutionDanger Damage Natural Development Nation
Complete these word-building tables NounsVerbs NounsAdjectives Waste Ecology ProtectionProtectEnvironment DestructionDestroyChemical PollutionPolluteDanger Damage Natural Development Nation
Complete these word-building tables NounsVerbs NounsAdjectives Waste Ecology ProtectionProtectEnvironment DestructionDestroyChemical PollutionPolluteDanger Damage Natural Development Nation
Complete these word-building tables NounsVerbs NounsAdjectives Waste Ecology ProtectionProtectEnvironment DestructionDestroyChemical PollutionPolluteDanger Damage Natural DevelopmentDevelopNation
Complete these word-building tables NounsVerbs NounsAdjectives Waste EcologyEcological ProtectionProtectEnvironment DestructionDestroyChemical PollutionPolluteDanger Damage Natural DevelopmentDevelopNation
Complete these word-building tables NounsVerbs NounsAdjectives Waste EcologyEcological ProtectionProtectEnvironmentEnvironmental DestructionDestroyChemical PollutionPolluteDanger Damage Natural DevelopmentDevelopNation
Complete these word-building tables NounsVerbs NounsAdjectives Waste EcologyEcological ProtectionProtectEnvironmentEnvironmental DestructionDestroyChemistryChemical PollutionPolluteDanger Damage Natural DevelopmentDevelopNation
Complete these word-building tables NounsVerbs NounsAdjectives Waste EcologyEcological ProtectionProtectEnvironmentEnvironmental DestructionDestroyChemistryChemical PollutionPolluteDangerDangerous Damage Natural DevelopmentDevelopNation
Complete these word-building tables NounsVerbs NounsAdjectives Waste EcologyEcological ProtectionProtectEnvironmentEnvironmental DestructionDestroyChemistryChemical PollutionPolluteDangerDangerous Damage NatureNatural DevelopmentDevelopNation
Complete these word-building tables NounsVerbs NounsAdjectives Waste EcologyEcological ProtectionProtectEnvironmentEnvironmental DestructionDestroyChemistryChemical PollutionPolluteDangerDangerous Damage NatureNatural DevelopmentDevelopNationNational
Listen. What Michael Jackson try to tell us? Michael Jackson - Earth Song
Name the most serious problems, which make our Earth dangerous. Name the most serious problems, which make our Earth dangerous. 1. Drugs 2. Dangerous diseases 3. Pollution 4. Crimes 5. Endangered animals 6. New local wars 7. Dangerous technologies 8. Lack of recycling 9. People and their interrelations 10. Breaking human rights 11. Star wars
- It is clear that not only the environment suffers of the man. - It is clear that not only the environment suffers of the man. Human beings also make harm to themselves. Human beings also make harm to themselves. The next report is connected with the ways of the world improvement. The next report is connected with the ways of the world improvement.
Our lesson is over! Our lesson is over! Thank you for your good work Thank you for your good work I think You will do your best to improve the world. I think You will do your best to improve the world.