Liliana Sanchez Tram Nguyen
Questions What do you know about endangered animals? What would you do to save endangered animals? What is your favorite endangered animal?
My favorite endangered animals is…? Edith-elephants Ifrah-Golden Lion Tamarin
Favorite endangered animal… Jonathan- wolf and white tiger Mia-white tiger
What do you know about endangered animals? Victor-That there is a lot of them and that the reason they are endangered is because of humans. Edith-The reason they are endangered is because of Anthropogenic.
What would you do to save endangered animals.? Stacy-Non-profit organizations for endangered animals and make designs like poster to warn others of the problem all the money that I would raise would go to the cause. Liliana-I would work with others who have the same passion for saving endangered animals. Raise money and work hard to make sure people know that this is a huge problem.
What do you know about endangered animals and which one is your favorite? I know that a few animals that are endangered and its sad to know that all these animals can go extinct, its even sadder that the reason they are endangered is because of us.
What would you do to save endangered animals? Tram-recycle and use re-usable materials in order to save animals in the forest. Also don’t buy things that are made out of endangered species.
If you want to know more visit this website for more information about different endangered species.
Thank you =D