2 Right click on text file Then Save target as. Save this in your DATABASE folder Open this file or find the page in the booklet. You will need this later.
3 Click on File New Click on Blank database
4 Save the file in your DATABASE folder Use the filename: WILD CARE DATABASE Click on Create
5 Click on New Click on Import table Scroll down and select Text Files
6 Select the Endangered species file Click on Import Click on Next
7 Click on Comma Just click on Next
8 Just click on Next Click on Choose my own primary key Field 1 should appear
9 Keep this file name Click on Finish
10 Double click to open this file Click on the blue triangle (Design View) Click on this square (View) What is the difference between Design View and View?
11 You now need to change the field names….using this document. (Remember looking at this on page 2?) So… Field 1 is Name of species Field 2 is Group etc
12 For every TEXT field you now need to set an appropriate field length, one at a time. How will you decide what an appropriate length is for each text field?
13 Select the STATUS field In the Validation Rule type in: Red or Orange or Blue If someone types in an incorrect colour they might need some help. In the Validation Text type in a message that would help someone. (Tell them the choices).
14 Select the Threat field What Validation Rule are you going to use? What Validation Text are you going to input?
15 Select Adoption Select 2 for the number of decimal places
16 Change the column widths so that you can read all of the data in each column
17 Click on New Object:Autoform You have now created a DATA ENTRY FORM…. …. but it doesn’t look good. What could be improved? Click on Design View (Blue Triangle)
18 You now need to make this DATA ENTRY FORM look professional. You could create a DATA ENTRY FORM that might look something like this….but produce YOUR version.
19 Use your DATA ENTRY FORM to enter the details for 3 other endangered animals that are not already on the database.
20 You are now ready to present all the evidence of your work. Use screen shots to show: You have the correct: FIELD NAMES DATA TYPES LENGTHS (for the text fields) You have set up the 2 VALIDATION RULES You have shown the VALIDATION RULES working You have created a DATA ENTRY FORM You have used the DATA ENTRY FORM to enter 3 new endangered animals into the database. Presenting your evidence