Alcohol Health Education McHenry High School
Section 15.1 Alcohol Is a Drug Sports and Alcohol Think back to the last time you watched a sports event on TV. What kinds of products were advertised during the commercials? Chances are, some of the ads were for beer. Besides being aired during sports events, how do the ads try to connect sports and alcohol in people’s minds?
Alcohol Terms & Info Ethanol: the type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages (grain alcohol) Ethanol: the type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages (grain alcohol) Fermentation: The chemical action of yeast on sugars to make Alcohol/Ethanol Fermentation: The chemical action of yeast on sugars to make Alcohol/Ethanol Intoxication: the Physical & Mental impairment from using alcohol. Intoxication: the Physical & Mental impairment from using alcohol.
Alcohol is a factor in many… Unplanned pregnancies Unplanned pregnancies Cases of STD’s Cases of STD’s Dating Violence Dating Violence Rapes Rapes Suicides & Homicides Suicides & Homicides
Reason Young People Drink To Escape Problems To Escape Problems To Deal with Stress To Deal with Stress To Feel more confident To Feel more confident Boredom Boredom To fit in To fit in
Alcohol Definitions DWI DWI –Driving While Intoxicated DUI DUI –Driving While Under the Influence BAC BAC –Blood Alcohol Concentration (amount of alcohol in a person’s blood) »As Blood Alcohol concentration increases, physical & behavioral effects get more & more severe
Section 15.2 Alcohol’s Effects on the Body
Section 15.2 Alcohol’s Effects on the Body Health Stats What trend does this graph reveal? How is reaction time—the time it takes people to respond to a situation—affected by alcohol? Explain how an increase in reaction time affects a person’s safety on the road.
Section 15.2 Alcohol’s Effects on the Body
What are the factors associated with getting intoxicated 1. Concentration of drinks 2. Amount drank 3. Rate / Speed of consumption 4. Food Eaten 5. Other Drug Interaction 6. Emotional Condition 7. Tolerance 8. Gender 9. Weight 10. Carbonation of drinks
The Path of Alcohol 1. Mouth: consumed and passed along to the esophagus 2. Stomach: A little goes into the stomach walls & bloodstream, most passes through small intestines. 3. Small Intestines: Rapidly Absorbed 4. Bloodstream: Goes to the brain almost as soon as consumed. The alcohol keeps passing through the brain until the liver has had time to oxidize it (burn it up). 5. Brain 6. Liver: Oxidizes the alcohol (changes alcohol into water, carbon dioxide, and energy). Body eliminates it by sweating and urinating.
Section 15.2 Alcohol’s Effects on the Body Cardiovascular System Heart rate and blood pressure increase. More blood flows to the skin’s surface. Core body temperature decreases. Effects of Intoxication Excretory System Kidneys increase urine production. Drinker loses more water from body than usual. Nervous System Brain activity slows down. Coordination becomes impaired. Sensations and perception become less clear. Reflexes become sluggish. Digestive System Too much alcohol in the stomach may cause vomiting.
Drinking Information If you drink something that is 100 percent alcohol, the proof is 200. If you drink something that is 100 percent alcohol, the proof is 200. If you have something that is 86 proof, the alcohol percent is 43 % If you have something that is 86 proof, the alcohol percent is 43 % A liver can oxidize ½ oz. Per hour. A liver can oxidize ½ oz. Per hour. There is the same amount of alcohol in: There is the same amount of alcohol in: –12 oz. Beer (can) –5 oz. Wine (glass) –1 ½ oz Oxidize: to burn up and change alcohol into water, carbon dioxide, and energy
Section 15.1 Alcohol Is a Drug How Much Alcohol Is in a Drink?
Long Term Effects of Alcohol on the Body Brain Damage Brain Damage Chronic Liver Problems Chronic Liver Problems Vitamin Deficiencies Vitamin Deficiencies Stomach & Skin Problems Stomach & Skin Problems Loss of appetite Loss of appetite Hepatitis Hepatitis
Section 15.3 Long-Term Risks of Alcohol
Alcohol Related Liver Problems Fatty Liver Fatty Liver –A condition where fats build up in liver and can’t be broken down Cirrhosis Cirrhosis –Liver tissue is destroyed and then replaced with useless scar tissue Hepatitis Hepatitis –An inflammation of the liver that can cause weakness, jaundice, or death
Alcohol Terms & Info Tolerance: Tolerance: –One needs to drink more to get the same effects Withdrawal: Withdrawal: –When an individual experiences symptoms when the alcohol isn’t in the system Synergistic effect: Synergistic effect: –When 2 or more medicines are combined make both more powerful »Alcohol usually has a synergistic effect on other medications »Should you mix alcohol with medicine??
Alcohol Terms & Info cont… Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS): Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS): –A condition in which a fetus has been affected mentally & physically by the mother’s alcohol use during pregnancy –FAS is the leading cause of mental retardation in the United States. Binge Drinking Binge Drinking –Periodic excessive drinking
Alcohol Terms & Info cont… Alcohol Poisoning: Alcohol Poisoning: –A dangerous toxic condition when a person drinks a large amount within a short amount of time. Alcoholism: Alcoholism: –A physical & Psychological dependence on ethanol. –Is Alcoholism a Disease »YES!!!
Stages of Alcoholism STAGE ONE STAGE ONE –Can begin even with just “social drinking” –Starts to become necessary to deal with stress –Drinks to get drunk –Makes excuses –Called a problem drinker by others
Stages of Alcoholism STAGE TWO STAGE TWO –Can’t stop drinking –Physically dependant on the drug –May drink alone –Defensive behavior –Develops a high tolerance –Performance at work / school drops
Stages of Alcoholism STAGE THREE STAGE THREE –Drinking is the most important thing to them –Aggressive –Malnutrition –Delirium –Reverse Tolerance »A condition in which less and less alcohol can cause intoxication
Characteristics of Alcoholism Greater Tolerance Greater Tolerance –Drinks more and more for the same effect. Eventually, has trouble stopping drinking once he or she starts. Blackouts Blackouts –Has no recall of things that were said or done while drinking Denial Denial –Tries to deny alcohol is a problem. May even abstain for a while to “prove” that he or she is not addicted
Characteristics of Alcoholism cont.. Personality changes Personality changes –May be tense, irritable, moody. May isolate self and lose ambition, causing problems at home, school and work Obvious un-controlled drinking Obvious un-controlled drinking –Continues to drink despite painful and destructive effects on health, career, and personal relationships. Other indications Other indications –May gulp drinks, sneak drinks, drink in the morning or when alone, or suffer malnutrition and delirium Codependency : Codependency : –May live with alcoholics and center their energy on the alcoholic.
Statistics to make you think Statistic: Over 83% of people arrested for crime and 73% of people arrested for murder have been drinking Statistic: Over 83% of people arrested for crime and 73% of people arrested for murder have been drinking
More Statistics to think about…. 65% of youth surveyed said that they got the alcohol they drink from family and friends. 7 65% of youth surveyed said that they got the alcohol they drink from family and friends. 7 Youth who drink alcohol are 50 times more likely to use cocaine than those who never drink alcohol. 3 Youth who drink alcohol are 50 times more likely to use cocaine than those who never drink alcohol. 3 Across people of all ages, males are four times as likely as females to be heavy drinkers. 1 Across people of all ages, males are four times as likely as females to be heavy drinkers. 1
Even More Statistics… Traffic crashes are the greatest single cause of death for persons aged 6–33. About 45% of these fatalities are in alcohol-related crashes. 4 Traffic crashes are the greatest single cause of death for persons aged 6–33. About 45% of these fatalities are in alcohol-related crashes. 4 Underage drinking costs the United States more than $58 billion every year — enough to buy every public school student a state-of-the-art computer. 2 Underage drinking costs the United States more than $58 billion every year — enough to buy every public school student a state-of-the-art computer. 2 One in Eight Americans grows up in an alcoholic family. Spouses and children of alcoholics live in homes filled with stress arising from uncertainty and embarrassment. (Glencoe Health 2007) One in Eight Americans grows up in an alcoholic family. Spouses and children of alcoholics live in homes filled with stress arising from uncertainty and embarrassment. (Glencoe Health 2007)
And Even More Statistics… Alcohol is the most commonly used drug among young people. 1 Alcohol is the most commonly used drug among young people. 1 Problem drinkers average four times as many days in the hospital as nondrinkers — mostly because of drinking-related injuries. 1 Problem drinkers average four times as many days in the hospital as nondrinkers — mostly because of drinking-related injuries. 1 Alcohol kills 6½ times more youth than all other illicit drugs combined. 2 Alcohol kills 6½ times more youth than all other illicit drugs combined. 2 Concerning the past 30 days, 50% of high school seniors report drinking, with 32% report being drunk at least once. 2 Concerning the past 30 days, 50% of high school seniors report drinking, with 32% report being drunk at least once. 2
Statistic Sources 1 Substance Abuse: The Nation’s Number One Health Problem, Feb Mothers Against Drunk Driving 3 National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse 4 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 5 Alcohol Health & Research World 6 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Analysis 7 The Century Council
Section 15.4 Choosing Not to Drink
Section 15.4 Choosing Not to Drink
Organizations to HELP A.A. (Alcoholics Anonymous): share experiences, strengths, and hope to solve problem from those recovering from alcoholism A.A. (Alcoholics Anonymous): share experiences, strengths, and hope to solve problem from those recovering from alcoholism Al-anon: Helps family members & friends of problem drinkers by offering comfort, hope and friendship. Al-anon: Helps family members & friends of problem drinkers by offering comfort, hope and friendship. Alateen: For younger family members who live in an alcoholic situation. Will help them deal with problems. Alateen: For younger family members who live in an alcoholic situation. Will help them deal with problems.
The End