Annual Fund Raising Event: Football Tournament NHUK Charity – Registered In England Copyright Reserved Sanusi Shaiyen (BA Hons) Finance and Investor Engagement Director
A BRIEF ABOUT N EW H OPE UK C HARITY An Arm’s Length Charity Organisation of New Hope Ministries UK
N EW H OPE UK C HARITY 2 F OLD A IMS Stems from Samaritan Initiative Brief Humanitarian Community Development
S AMARITAN I NITIATIVE B RIEF Humanitarian – Widows, Orphans & the Deprived Provide vouchers to subsidise qualified widows, disabled individuals and old residents, with groceries and utility grants Provide support for homeless individuals in partnership with the local authorities, local charities, churches & supporting businesses (sign posting) Provide scholarships and grants to exceptional orphans, sponsorships on entrepreneurship, medical etc
C OMMUNITY D EVELOPMENT – NH 2 P ROJECT Local Community Initiatives New Hope New Horizon Project (NH 2 Project) Deliver on the seven principles to aid local groups, charities and support community development through cohesion and inclusion initiatives. Partner with local businesses, charities and local authorities to ensure all New Hope UK Charity projects are far reaching to all necessary beneficiaries with adequate resources and accountability.
C OMMUNITY D EVELOPMENT 7 D ELIVERY P RINCIPL ES (NH 2 P ROJECT ) Partnership (Strategic Partnership with local groups & Charities, Faith groups, local authority, local businesses, and Schools) Enabling (Confidence building, Performance Monitoring, Sustainability Planning) Protection (Faith and Public Interest, BME group interest, Governance, Race Relations, Policing Monitoring) Counselling (Homelessness, Sign-Posting, Enterprise Support for Young People, Mentoring) Environment (Carbon Emission Reduction awareness & support for Charities, Faith Groups & Schools) Research (Grassroots Data Gathering to Aid informed Decision making by Local Authorities and Central Government) Training (Peterborough Heritage, Non Mainstream Courses, Skill Development Programmes ESOL, ICT, Parenting, Craft) Workshops and Seminars
A NNUAL F OOTBALL T OURNAMENT Previous Years 2008 to 2010 Deeping St. James C P School Linchfield C P School Langtoft C P School
A NNUAL F OOTBALL T OURNAMENT Date: 24 th June, 2011 Ages: 9 – 11 Yrs Trophy for the winning team Certificates for all Participants Refreshments Time: 2pm to 4:30pm Registration by 16 th June, 2011 Medals for 1 st, 2 nd, & 3 rd Teams Media Coverage Winning Team to Play Local FC
B ENEFITS Youth Community Cohesion Charitable awareness while having fun Monies raised to benefit the Deprived Help put a dent on poverty Help New Hope UK Charity Local Projects
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