Hope Brandes
Salvador Dali Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening. 1944
Vincent an Gogh The Starry Night. 1889
Andy Warhol Grevy’s Zebra. 1983
Harriet Whitney Frishmuth The Vine. 1921, revised 1923
Thomas Kinkade The Lion King. 2011
Vladimir Kush African Sonata. Date Unknown.
Vladimir Kush Arrival of the Flower Ship. 2000
Tara McPherson The Bunny in the Moon. 2010
Tara McPherson Snake Charmer. 2007
Andrew Wyeth Christina’s World. 1948
Katsushika Hokusai The Great Wave off Kanagawa
Rene Magritte Homesickness. 1940
Wassily Kandinsky Unknown
Wassily Kandinsky Yellow-Red-Blue. 1925
Henri Rousseau Carnival Evening. 1886
Albrecht Duere The Rhinocerus. 1515
Belvedere M.C. Escher. 1958
We Can Do It! J. Howard Miller. 1943
Andrea Kowch Nocturne. 2013