Reforming the Financing of Secondary Education Promoting Access, Equity and Quality
Education Financing in Belize Source: World Bank Education data
Belize and top performers: Some comparative data Sorce: World Bank Education Data
Resource Allocation and Outcomes Source: World Bank Education Indicators and UNESCO Database
Resource Allocation and Outcomes Source: LSMS, 2002 and MoE Database
Resource Allocation and Outcomes Source: MOE databases Some schools receiving more funding per student than others
Resource Allocation and Outcomes Source: LSMS, 2002
Resource Allocation and Outcomes
Source: Ministry of Economic Development
The New Method of Financing 1.Per student per credit financing (All students) 2.Adjustments for students with socio-economic AND/OR Academic Need (Those with these needs only) 3.Performance Bonus (to incentivize performance)
School Services (All) Compensation for Soc.-Eco. OR Acad. Need Compensation for Soc-Eco. AND Acad. Need The New Formula
The Formula The formula that determines the Grant Allocation to Schools (GAS) includes three components (two are developed; the third* is being finalized): SCHOOL SERVICES COMPONENT + COMPENSATION COMPONENT + PERFORMANCE BONUS*
CLOSING THE GAP In funding across schools Between Urban & Rural Between Poor & Non-poor (socio-economic need) Between High achieving & Low achieving (academic need)
The Formula The School Services Component is intended for all students in the school and is calculated as follows: For e.g. for student enrollment of x 40 x $0.94 = $18,800 (per month) Number of Credits Cost per credit Enroll- ment
The Formula The Compensation Component sample calculation: 500 ( ) x 40 x.94 x 1.1 = $17, (per month) Proportion of students with soc. eco. need Proportion of students with acad. need Number of Credits Cost per credit Adjust- ment factor Enroll- ment
The Formula So, the Grant Allocation to this hypothetical school would be: GAS = $18,800 + $17, Performance Bonus* = $36,378 (per month) Compensatio n Component School Services Components
Performance Bonus Component: Towards a Performance Bonus Design Annual Goals 2-3 Year Goals Attainment Success/Transiti on Responsiveness Quality Improvement Student satisfaction Parent Satisfaction Improve CSEC scores Increase % students sitting exams Achieve annual QI plan % Teachers trained Decreased repetition & dropout rates
Implementation Scenarios: Examples how they operate Eg. If above the average, today’s BZ$1,000 transfer will start declining to 950, 900, 850, etc until year 5 If below the average, the BZ$1,000 would grow 50 in year 1, 50 in year 2 and so on until year 5 Eg. If above the average, the BZ$1,000 transfer today will start declining to 950, 900, 850, etc until year 5 If below the average, the targeted budget is adjusted in year 2 and then remains constant, so it moves from today’s BZ$1,000 to BZ$1,200
Proposed scenarios E.g. If above the average, the high school will receive the same BZ$1,000 each year for 5 years in nominal terms. If below the average, same as 1B. Eg. If above the average, same as 2A. If above the average, today’s BZ$1,000 will increase at each year’s inflation year
Business Rules The Business Rules provides specific guidance on the implementation of the Reform. – Phased step up of grants for below average funded schools – Freezing of grants of above average funded schools Indicates how grants are calculated. How repetition/dropout is treated?
Secondary Net Enrolment Early Effects
Secondary Gross Enrolment
Early Effects Secondary Dropout Rates
Other Supporting Factors $300 Secondary Education-Start-Up Subsidy School Infrastructure School Transportation BOOST Conditional Cash Transfer Programme Standardization of School Fees and Providing for Fee Waivers for students with socio-economic need Curriculum Reform: Rationalize and Diversify the Secondary Education Curriculum
NEXT STEPS Performance Bonus Secondary School Fee Reduction, Standardization and Exemptions Payment for CXC/CSEC Examinations