INB Page What impact did the English common law have the United States? Why was Oliver Cromwell’s rule like that of an absolute monarch? What were the main achievements of the Glorious Revolution?
The Enlightenment in Europe Scholars and Philosophers begins to look at underlying beliefs about government, religion, economics, and education. They ideas and thoughts produced the Enlightenment- a new intellectual movement which stressed reason and thought and the power of the individual to solve problems. Becomes know as Age of Reason
TWO VIEWS OF GOVERNMENT Thomas Hobbe’s writes Leviathan (1651) Convinced human’s naturally selfish and wicked. People hand over rights to a strong ruler. People gained law and order. Social Contract-agreement by which people create government Ruler needs total power to keep citizens under control. Old IdeaNew Idea A monarch's rule is justifiedA government's power comes by divine right.from the consent of the governed
Locke’s Natural Rights John Locke’s views differ from Hobbes People can learn from experience and improve. Criticized absolute monarchy and favored self- government All people born free and equal Three natural rights- life, liberty, and property Purpose of gov.- protect 3 rights. Gov fails, citizens have right to overthrow it. Power comes from consent of people is foundation of modern democracy.
The Philosophes Advocate Reason Enlightenment hits height in mid 1700’s. Paris became hub of politics and ideas. Philosphes- social critics of the Enlightenment in France. French word for philosophers. People could apply reason to all aspects of life. 5 concepts 1. Reason- truth could be discovered through reason or logical thinking. 2. Nature- what was natural was also good and reasonable. 3. Happiness- reject medieval idea that people should find joy in hereafter and urged people to seek well-being on Earth. 4. Progress- stressed socity and humankind could improve 5. Liberty- liberties which the English won in their Glorious Revolution and Bill of Rights.
Voltaire Combats Intolerance Francois Maria Arouet= Voltaire Wrote 70 books of political essays, philosophy, and drama. Jailed twice and exiled to England Fought for tolerance, reason, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech. “I do not agree with a word you say but will defend to the death your right to say it.”
Montesquieu and the Separation of Powers Devoted to study of personal liberty Government has three parts, Executive (enforced laws), Legislative (made laws), and Judicial (interpreted laws). Would keep individual or group from gaining total control. Separation of powers becomes cornerstone of American constitution.
Rousseau: Champion of Freedom Committed to individual freedom Believed civilization corrupted people’s natural goodness. “Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains.” Give up some freedom for common good Gov comes from consent of governed All people equal and nobility to be abolished Inspired French revolutionist
Importance of Individual People turn away from church and royalty, looked to themselves instead. Own ability to reason to judge right and wrong.