Unit 4- Early History of Rome
Founding of Rome Some believe the city of Rome was built around 750 B.C. on the peninsula of Italy. The story goes…Romulus and Remus, twins raised by wolves founded the city. Romulus killed Remus, thus naming the city “Rome”.
Geography We know that Italy looks like a boot. It is located in the Mediterranean Sea. It was easy to unify because they had smaller mountains than Greece and fertile plains.
The Latins The Latins were the first people in Italy. Their cities eventually grew into Rome, so they are now called Romans. We will see that Rome will not only take over all of Italy, but all of the known world.
Etruscans Also in Italy were the Etruscans. However, in 509 B.C., the Romans drove out the Etruscans and set up a republic, which means “thing of the people”. They set this up hoping no one person would have too much power.
Patricians Senators in Rome, called Patricians, made the laws. There were 300 of them. They were the only group of people who could grant power to a dictator in a time of war.
Plebeians The Plebeians were the lower classes of people in Rome. They felt they didn’t have enough power. They felt they didn’t have enough power. Because of this, the Senate put in place the 12 Tables-p.315. These are laws to promote equality. Because of this, the Senate put in place the 12 Tables-p.315. These are laws to promote equality. They are important because the U.S. government is based on the 12 Tables.
Roman Society Roman society was patriarchal, with the male in charge of the family. Both boys and girls went to school. Rich boys were taught rhetoric if they wanted political careers.
Religion Romans worshipped gods and goddesses just like the Greeks and Etruscans, but with different names. They also had many festivals to honor them.
Taking over With a good army, good government system, and good leadership, the Romans slowly began taking over the Italian peninsula. Eventually, they will develop into one of the greatest empires of all time.
Today’s assignment Today you will imagine that you are writing for the front page of an Ancient Roman newspaper. Write an “article” and draw a picture(s) discussing the Plebeian protest and how the Roman Republic responded-the 12 Tables. Use page 315 for information and inspiration. Your article should be at least 2 columns and should include at least one picture.