OFFICE OF FEDERAL PROGRAMS ADVISORY TEAM MEETING WELCOME Brenda B. Blackburn, Superintendent Berkeley County School District November 17, 2015, 5:30 pm Berkeley Intermediate School
The Goals of the OFP Advisory Team To provide an opportunity for stakeholders to become involved in the planning process of District Federal Grants and supported programs. To inform district stakeholders of OFP strategies that support district goals.
BCSD Strategic Goals Positive School Climate: We will provide safe, orderly and healthy schools that insure a positive and caring learning environment. High Student Performance: We will realize high levels of academic growth and achievement for all students through an emphasis on literacy and STEMS based instruction. Community Engagement: We will build family, community, and business support that will generate advocacy for our schools and our school district. Strategic Human Resource Management: We will recruit, retain and develop quality teachers, administrators and staff. Fiscal Responsibility: We will be responsible stewards of our resources and insure that we provide a quality education for all students. Effective Communications: We will develop, refine, and implement an effective communications plan for our school system.
Theme Common Curriculum, Common Assessments, and Professional Learning Communities support a Common Vision and Focused Actions for Student Success
2015 Accreditation Berkeley County School District, a fully accredited school system, completed a self-evaluation of its functions and a system-wide external review from AdvancEd. The external Review occurred on November 1-5, The district received a glowing report from the AdvancEd team and its district accreditation.
State/Federal Accountability A requirement of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is that each state has a state accountability system which is our state report card. The reauthorization of ESEA in 2001 (No Child Left Behind) included a required federal accountability system. In the state of SC, we have two systems. SC is currently working on a proposal for one system that would serve both purposes.
October 21, 2014 A - F grade Identifies subgroups of students Measures performance & growth toward a pre-set goal on PASS Goal increases every year Subgroup is measured by the mean(average) of the subgroup’s scores Sanctions for identified Title I schools making a C or below BCSD – B, 85.6 November 14, 2014 Excellent - At-Risk grade Two grades-absolute, growth Identifies subgroups of students Measures performance toward meeting the state goal on PASS Goal does not increase every year Subgroup is measured by the percentage of students meeting goal BCSD-Excellent, Good ESEA Accountability Report Card State Accountability Report Card
ESEA Elementary and Secondary Education Act The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 provides districts with extra resources to supplement instruction in high-poverty schools and ensure that poor and minority children have the same opportunity as other children to meet challenging State academic standards.
SC Waiver In September 2011, the U.S. Department of Education (USED) offered each state the opportunity to request flexibility, on behalf of itself and its school districts, to help them move forward with state and local reforms designed to improve student learning and increase the quality of instructions for all students. The USED approved South Carolina’s request for ESEA flexibility on July 19, SC was granted flexibility with School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services (SES), and Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). The USED invited SC and other states with waivers that would expire at the end of the school year, to request a three-year renewal of ESEA flexibility, which would extend through the end of the school year. SC was approved. If Congress reauthorizes ESEA during the period of the waivers, the USED will provide guidance on the transition to the new law.
BCSD ESEA Programs Title I- Assistance for Academically At-Risk Students Title I N&D- Sub grant to Eagle Harbor Boy’s Ranch Title II- Professional Development Title III- Limited English Proficient Students Title I- Support Schools
Title I - ASSISTANCE FOR ACADEMICALLY AT-RISK STUDENTS Title I Requirements- Highly Qualified Teachers and Paraprofessionals Scientifically-based Research Comparability of Staff Parent Involvement School and State Report Cards Statewide Testing
Title I Schools School 5K-12 Students Percent Poverty Allocation St. Stephen Elementary % 234, J K Gourdin Elementary % 96, Cross Elememtary % 212, St. Stephen Middle % 145, Cainhoy Elementary & Middle % 164, Cross High % 172, Sedgefield Intermediate % 404, Goose Creek Primary % 506, Timberland High % 335, College Park Elementary % 532, Berkeley Elementary % 296, Sedgefield Middle % 513, H E Bonner Elementary % 323, Berkeley Intermediate % 291, Boulder Bluff Elementary % 360, Devon Forest Elementary % 365, Sangaree Elementary % 334, Sangaree Intermediate % 275, Whitesville Elememtary % 393, District Totals 31, %
Title I Allocation $8,308, Activities included in the Title I grant : Indirect Costs Homeless Students Administration Vision Assistance After School STEM Program Professional Development & FMU Partnership Summer Literacy Program Title I Instructional Coaches & Facilitators
Title II Allocation: $ 968, Activities included in the Title II grant: Indirect Costs Participating Private Schools Curriculum Coaches Development for Highly Qualified Staff
Title III Allocation $ 162, Activities included in the Title III grant: Indirect Costs ESOL Curriculum Facilitator/Instructional Coach Professional Development for all Teachers Extra Time & Assistance for LEP students Supplemental Instructional Materials for LEP students
Title I, Neglected & Delinquent- $17, Student academic assistance at Eagle Harbor Ranch Indirect Cost Title I, Support School-$48, Support Schools: SSM Math Intervention program Indirect Cost
Next Meeting Send Comments and Suggestions anytime to: Dr. Denise P. Ling Director of Federal & State Programs, Next Meeting: Tentatively February 2016