Title: All you need is love Learning Objective: To explore different relationships and what commitments and responsibility we have in these relationships. To investigate what love is. If you finish: Write down all the different types of love you can think of
Lesson Outcomes: Must be able to identify different relationships and describe the different responsibilities we have in these relationships. Should be able to give examples of commitment and responsibilities. Be able to identify at least 2 different types of love. Could Be able to give examples of love. Give reasons why it is difficult to love unconditionally.
PERSON Relationship to them In the bubbles list the people in your life and your relationship to them. As individuals we have relationships with many different people. Just as the people are different, so are the relationships.
‘The only abnormality is the incapacity to love.’ Anais Nin ‘There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.’ George Sand. It was because I loved my husband so much that I knew I wanted our first time to sex to be on our wedding night. Helen Baptist. When we got married I knew I could fall in love with my husband. Vaneesha A Hindu Task. In your books define what you think ‘Love is’ as many definitions as possible’ You can present it in lovehearts…look at the examples.
What is Love? Fill in your post-it, and place on the board.
In Greek Storge‘Sentimental love’ ie: love of animals or objects. Philia‘Love of friends and family.’ A stronger bond between people Eros‘Sexual Love’ ie: physical love between two people. Agape‘Unconditional love’ ie: love given freely and unreservedly Types of love
Type of love A man proposes to a woman over a romantic dinner. A man/ boy chats up a girl at a club and asks her back to his place. A woman sobs and sobs when her pet dog dies. The love that a sister has for her brother. ‘I love my football team.’ A man and woman, who are deeply in love, make love in the hope of having a baby. Jesus gave his life for all people. The love parents have for their children. ‘I love Italy and want to live there.’ Two girl friends hug each other as a greeting at school in the morning. A man spends every Saturday playing golf; he loves the sport. ‘I love Harry Potter books!’ ‘We’ve been friends for 25 years. Even though he is on the other side of the world, I know he’d do anything for me.’ ‘That’s his favourite teddy bear – he never goes anywhere without it.’
Which is the best??? Can you explain WHY???
Is it easy to have AGAPE for someone? Why is it sometimes difficult to love someone unconditionally???
Marketing Love... You have been approached by the managing director of Match Makers dating agency. They have asked you to come up with a advertisement for their new promotion called LOVE IS... Design a poster completing the sentence. Love is...
In Greek Storge‘Sentimental love’ ie: love of animals or objects. Philia‘Love of friends and family.’ A stronger bond between people Eros‘Sexual Love’ ie: physical love between two people. Agape‘Unconditional love’ ie: love given freely and unreservedly Types of love