IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Task OverviewLearning Objective(s)Suggested Technology Students will collect and analyze data with the use of the Dosmos online graphing calculator, graphs, tables, and other sources. From their research students will formulate predictions and communicate their findings throughout the activities and the performance assessment. I1.1.1 The student will recognize, describe, and extend patterns and functional relationships that are expressed numerically, algebraically, and geometrically The student will represent patterns and functional relationships in a table, as a graph, and/or by mathematical expressions The student will describe how the graphical model of a non-linear function represents a given problem and will estimate the solution The student will design and/or conduct an investigation that uses statistical methods to analyze data and communicate results The student will make informed decisions and predictions based upon the results of simulations and data from research.. I1.1.1 The student will recognize, describe, and extend patterns and functional relationships that are expressed numerically, algebraically, and geometrically The student will represent patterns and functional relationships in a table, as a graph, and/or by mathematical expressions The student will describe how the graphical model of a non-linear function represents a given problem and will estimate the solution The student will design and/or conduct an investigation that uses statistical methods to analyze data and communicate results The student will make informed decisions and predictions based upon the results of simulations and data from research.. Dosmos online graphing calculator Laptop or iPad Blackboard In this unit, students will use and apply exponential functions of growth and decay in real world situations. Students will collect and analyze data with the use of the Dosmos online graphing calculator, graphs, tables, and other sources. From their research students will formulate predictions and communicate their findings throughout the activities and the performance assessment. Dosmos online graphing calculator Laptop or iPad Blackboard In this unit, students will use and apply exponential functions of growth and decay in real world situations. Students will collect and analyze data with the use of the Dosmos online graphing calculator, graphs, tables, and other sources. From their research students will formulate predictions and communicate their findings throughout the activities and the performance assessment. Dosmos online graphing calculator Laptop or iPad Blackboard Internet Browser In this unit, students will use and apply exponential functions of growth and decay in real world situations. Students will collect and analyze data with the use of the Dosmos online graphing calculator, graphs, tables, and other sources. From their research students will formulate predictions and communicate their findings throughout the activities and the performance assessment. Laptop or iPad with camera Blackboard Movie Maker. Louisiana Math Standard (include description):I1.1.1 The student will recognize, describe, and extend patterns and functional relationships that are expressed numerically, algebraically, and geometrically The student will represent patterns and functional relationships in a table, as a graph, and/or by mathematical expressions The student will describe how the graphical model of a non-linear function represents a given problem and will estimate the solution The student will design and/or conduct an investigation that uses statistical methods to analyze data and communicate results The student will make informed decisions and predictions based upon the results of simulations and data from research. Teacher: Susan Pennington MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change. transformation enhancement
Exploring Exponential Models Using your computer, the online calculator at to graph the following functions, and Snipping Tool to copy and paste graphs, you will complete the digital worksheet, “Exponential Function Activity 1” found loaded in Blackboard and answer the questions. 1.Follow the steps to graph each exponential function, then study your graphs to answer the questions. 1.Open the worksheet, “Exponential Function Activity 1” and save it to your H: drive as yourname_ExpAct1. 2.Go to and click on Launch Calculator. 3.Click on the icon and set your window as follows: 2.Graph the following exponential equations by pressing the + and select f(x) expression. Type in y 1= a x where a = the base given. 3. Use the Snipping Tool to copy the graph. Paste it in your document to record your results. Answer questions about the graph. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each exponential equation. 5. Save the completed worksheet document and load it into Blackboard, under the, “Exponential Function Activity 1” assignment. Students will collect and analyze data with the use of the Dosmos online graphing calculator, graphs, tables, and other sources. From their research students will formulate predictions and communicate their findings throughout the activities and the performance assessment. This task uses: Dosmos online graphing calculator Laptop or iPad Blackboard Learning Objective(s): The student will recognize, describe, and extend patterns and functional relationships that are expressed numerically, algebraically, and geometrically The student will represent patterns and functional relationships in a table, as a graph, and/or by mathematical expressions The student will describe how the graphical model of a non-linear function represents a given problem and will estimate the solution The student will design and/or conduct an investigation that uses statistical methods to analyze data and communicate results The student will make informed decisions and predictions based upon the results of simulations and data from research.. S SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement
Exploring Exponential Models 1.Open the worksheet, “Exponential Function Activity 2” found loaded in Blackboard and save it to your H: drive as yourname_ExpAct2. All your answers will be answered digitally and submitted via Blackboard when you are finished. 2.You get to decide how much money your aunt gave you so pick an amount between $5000 and $10,000. This will be your Principal Amount. 3.Pick 3 Financial institutions in your area (banks or credit unions). Using a internet search engine find the financial institutions webpage and decide on the method of investment(CD or Savings Account) and record the interest rate that they offer. Record your research in the table provided and choose the best rate. 4.Search the internet for a formula for calculating compound interest and write the mathematical model that applies to your interest rate and your principal. Assume interest is compounded annually. 5.Use Desmos Online Graphing calculator to graph your equation and use the graph to answer the questions on the worksheet. 6.Save the completed worksheet document and load it into Blackboard, under the, “Exponential Function Activity 2” assignment In this unit, students will use and apply exponential functions of growth and decay in real world situations. Students will collect and analyze data with the use of the Dosmos online graphing calculator, graphs, tables, and other sources. From their research students will formulate predictions and communicate their findings throughout the activities and the performance assessment. This task uses: Dosmos online graphing calculator Laptop or iPad Blackboard Learning Objective(s): The student will recognize, describe, and extend patterns and functional relationships that are expressed numerically, algebraically, and geometrically The student will represent patterns and functional relationships in a table, as a graph, and/or by mathematical expressions The student will describe how the graphical model of a non-linear function represents a given problem and will estimate the solution The student will design and/or conduct an investigation that uses statistical methods to analyze data and communicate results The student will make informed decisions and predictions based upon the results of simulations and data from research.. A AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement.
Exploring Exponential Models 1.Open the worksheet “Exponential_data_worksheet” found loaded in Blackboard and save it to your H: drive as yourname_ExpAct3. All your answers will be answered digitally and submitted via Blackboard when you are finished. 2.Watch the video “How Do Infectious diseases spread” found on Blackboard. Try to determine the pattern of new infections per day. 3.Open the Powerpoint demo “ disease spread.pptx” and fill out the table in the “Exponential_data_worksheet”. On day 5 there are only 2 infected, but if there were more in the populations how many would be infected to keep the pattern. 4.Using the data you collected and DESMOS online calculator, find the equation that models your data (y ~ ab^x) 5.Using the internet or your online textbook in to find another example of exponential growth. 6.On Blackboard discussion group “Exponential Functions” share the results from your worksheet and post the example of exponential growth that you found. Read the post of other students to decide if your results were accurate. 7.Save the completed worksheet document and load it into Blackboard, under the, “Infectious disease” assignment. In this unit, students will use and apply exponential functions of growth and decay in real world situations. Students will collect and analyze data with the use of the Dosmos online graphing calculator, graphs, tables, and other sources. From their research students will formulate predictions and communicate their findings throughout the activities and the performance assessment. This task uses: Dosmos online graphing calculator Laptop or iPad Blackboard Internet Browser Learning Objective(s): The student will recognize, describe, and extend patterns and functional relationships that are expressed numerically, algebraically, and geometrically The student will represent patterns and functional relationships in a table, as a graph, and/or by mathematical expressions The student will describe how the graphical model of a non-linear function represents a given problem and will estimate the solution The student will design and/or conduct an investigation that uses statistical methods to analyze data and communicate results The student will make informed decisions and predictions based upon the results of simulations and data from research.. M MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.
Exploring Exponential Models 1.Open the worksheet “Exponential_Video_worksheet” found loaded in Blackboard and save it to your H: drive as yourname_ExpAct4. All your answers will be answered digitally and submitted via Blackboard when you are finished. 2.Your teacher will assign you and your partner one of the problems from the worksheet. Your challenge is to create a video using Movie Maker that explains how to work the problem to answer the question. Please include an explanation about how your problem represents exponential growth or decay. You will use the WebCam icon in Movie Maker to record your video or any pictures of your work. Be creative in demonstrating the real world aspects of your problem. 3.Save your video. Post your completed Video to the “Exponential Video” folder in Blackboard. 4.View other movies posted to the Blackboard folder and then pick one to provide Constructive Critique in the Blackboard Discussion “Exponential Video”. Be sure to give positive feedback and at least 1 suggestion for improving the mathematical understand on the problem solution. In this unit, students will use and apply exponential functions of growth and decay in real world situations. Students will collect and analyze data with the use of the Dosmos online graphing calculator, graphs, tables, and other sources. From their research students will formulate predictions and communicate their findings throughout the activities and the performance assessment. This task uses: Laptop or iPad with camera Blackboard Movie Maker. Learning Objective(s): The student will recognize, describe, and extend patterns and functional relationships that are expressed numerically, algebraically, and geometrically The student will represent patterns and functional relationships in a table, as a graph, and/or by mathematical expressions The student will describe how the graphical model of a non-linear function represents a given problem and will estimate the solution The student will design and/or conduct an investigation that uses statistical methods to analyze data and communicate results The student will make informed decisions and predictions based upon the results of simulations and data from research... R REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable.