Sexual Orientation The direction of one’s sexual attraction
Sexual, emotional, or romantic attraction to the same sex Homosexual
A woman attracted to a woman Lesbian
Sexual, emotional, or romantic attraction to the opposite sex Heterosexual
A person who is attracted to two sexes or two genders Bisexual
Pansexual: Not limited or inhibited in sexual choice with regard to gender or activity. (Person who sees beyond gender or sex and just the person) Asexual: Without sex or sexuality (lack of sexual orientation or interest in sex) Homophobia: The irrational fear and intolerance of people who are homosexual or of homosexual feelings within one's self. Sexual Behavior
One's self-perceived sexual identity. This can include refusing to label oneself with a sex. Sex Identity
Refers to a person who experiences a mismatch of the sex they were born as and the sex they identify as. A transsexual sometimes undergoes medical treatment to change his/her physical sex to match his/her sex identity through hormone treatments and/or surgically. Transsexual
Individuals who regularly or occasionally wear the clothing socially assigned to a gender not their own, but are usually comfortable with their anatomy and do not wish to change it (i.e. they are not transsexuals). Transvestite
Students are at their lockers just before the start of first period. One student takes off his jacket and is wearing a very bright t-shirt with an unusual design. Another student remarks, “Oh, my god, that shirt is so gay!” Several students laugh. A teacher, who is passing by and overhears the comment, tells the student who made the remark to cut it out. The student replies, “I just meant that it’s a weird shirt.” The teacher tells everyone to get to class. Describe a time when you were insulted or hurt by another person and they brushed it off by saying something like, “I didn’t mean it like that” or “I was just kidding”. Read the following scenario:
What does it mean when someone says “that’s so Gay!” What are they really saying? What is your reaction to hearing comments like that? Statistic: The Average High School Student Hears an Anti-Gay Remark 27 Times Per Day. Define the Word Gay
What can you say instead of the word GAY? Rephrase that:
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